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对一切众生,我都平等对待。I am equal to all.

心是涅槃,众生皆有佛性。Every sentient being has Buddha-nature!

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一切众生皆有佛性。All living creatures have Buddha-nature.

愿一切众生早日成佛!May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!

度一切法界众生脱离苦海!All degrees from water dharmadhatu beings!

送光给众生,送平和给众生,送爱给众生。Light to all , peace to all , love to all!

佛能度无量有情,而不能尽众生界。The Buddha three can's and three cannot's.

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运同体慈力,与众生乐。Bring joy to all beings with loving-kindness.

常以伯语,安慰众生。One always comforts beings with loving words.

构成阶梯起伏让众生攀登拾级。And forms a fold stairway that all of us climb.

发愿必须发利益众生的大愿。Make great vows, to benefit all sentient beings.

多疑的钝根众生,也许会这样地问,可是呢?Skeptical and dull living beings might ask that.

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愿一切众生离一切苦痛。May all living beings be freed from all stress & pain.

愿此加持广传并利益许多众生!May the blessing spread and help many sentient beings!

也从而刻画出了异域之上的众生百态。Which also depicts the exotic beings on the attitudes.

任何荒诞不羁羡煞众生的幻梦。Uninhibited envy of any absurd dreams of living beings.

亿万众生的洗礼,是一本书的奇迹!Trillion all living things baptisms, are a book miracle!

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上帝真是太好了,他对他所创造的众生有求必应。God was very good and gave His creatures what they asked.

像度母一样,她发愿常转世为女身利益众生。Like Tara, she took a vow to always be reborn as a woman.

是菩萨能以无畏施于众生。This Bodhisattva bestows fearlessness upon living beings.