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再说回欺负新人。Go back to hazing.

你意思是说他找到新人啦?。You mean he got fresh?

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全世界有数以百万计说过“我愿意”的新人有血缘关系。So have millions worldwide.

新人报到,请多关照。New report, Nice to meet you.

举杯敬这对新人。NO01,2. A toast to the newlyweds.

在对新人的页面上要有些什么?What should be on your newbie page?

一代新人在茁壮成长。A new generation is reaching maturity.

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他们在影片中又推出了一位新人作女主角。They headlined a new girl in the film.

这就是科学迎接新人的套路。This is the way science welcomes newcomers.

这对新人接受瑞典首相的祝酒。The couple after the Prime Minister's toast.

礼炮缤纷空中啸,花团锦簇新人笑。Air gun salute profusion, blooming new smile.

经过多年腐败,我想新官上任需要新人和新的概念。I think a new broom sweeping clean is needed.

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他们把大量的米抛洒在这对新人身上。They shower the newly married pair with rice.

新人总感觉有无限的可能。Recruits had a sense of boundless possibility.

新人受到尊重还是嘲笑?Are new people treated with respect or derision?

别把自己摆得太高,你只是个新人。Don't make much with yourself, you are new here.

这对新人也没有花费百万美元去度蜜月,而是在新婚的第二天去观看了NBA总决赛的第一场湖人队与活塞队的比赛。No million-dollar honeymoon for these newlyweds.

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很肯定地,雷孟达已经任命了一个新人。Surely, a new one was appointed by de Roquefort.

谁招的新人多谁就第一名!Who is new to many who will have the first move!

一问之下方知是主管请来的新人。Under the way know the new supervisor is, please.