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庭审持续三小时,并延期至10月1日再审。After a three-hour hearing, the trial was adjourned to Oct 1.

其中我国的再审制度与之冲突更为明显。Especially its conflict with the re-trial system becomes more obvious.

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乞鞫是秦汉时期的一种再审诉讼制度。Qiju is a kind of re-appeal procedural system in Qin and Han Dynasties.

第四部分着重分析了我国刑事再审程序提起的制度弊端。The fourth part is about the actual demerits of our criminal rehear procedure.

第三部分为刑事再审程序提起的比较法考察。The third part is to review the foreign criminal rehear process comparatively.

人民法院审理再审案件,应当另行组成合议庭。The people's court shall form a new collegial panel for the purpose of the retrial.

经人民法院审查属实的,应当再审。The people's court shall, upon examination and verification, re-adjudicate the case.

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再审制度导致裁判的不确定和司法权威的下降。The rehearing system causes judge to be undecidedly and descends the judicial authority.

正是在这一原则的指导下,使得一些民事纠纷陷入无限的再审之中而难以“斩断青丝”。It is under this principle some civil disputes is in unlimited retrial and can not resovled.

第二部分主要对中外刑事再审程序的制度渊源进行了阐述。The second part is about the origin of China and foreign countries' criminal rehear process.

国家可能不介意再审他一次,判他死刑,法官说。The state might not mind trying this again and asking for the death penalty, the judge said.

民事再审制度改革是当前民事诉讼制度改革的一个重点。The reform on the civil retrial system is a keypoint in the reform for civil retrial system now.

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第一百八十条当事人申请再审的,应当提交再审申请书等材料。Article 180 A party that applies for retrial shall submit a retrial petition and other materials.

第一百八十六条人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。Article 186 Cases protested by the people's procuratorate shall be retried by the people's court.

人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。The people's court shall conduct a trial denovo of a case protested by the people's procuratorate.

其中,最值得反思与检讨的是我国的再审制度。Among them, the one that is worth reviewing and making criticism is the review system of our country.

本文拟结合再审实践,就如下问题作些理性思考。This article plans to unify the re-trying practice, the following question makes the rational ponder.

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Hayashi的律师表示,他们计划提交了一份再审的请愿书,对共同社说。Hayashi's lawyers have said they plan to file a petition for a retrial, the Kyodo news agency reported.

我国立法规定的民事再审案件范围过于原则,造成近年来民事审判监督工作中的无序现象越来越明显。The scope of civil retrial cases is too of principle which causes apparent disorder in trail work, practice.

第三章案外人申请再审制度构建之理论基础与现实需求。Chapter Three---The Theoretical Foundation and Practical need of the Third Party's Applying for Retrial System.