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为什么是隧道?And why tunnels?

他们得钻过狭窄的隧道。A narrow way or alley.

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尽管修通了隧道。Despite the new tunnel.

在面包里挖隧道!Tunneling through bread.

这是一个有时光隧道的地方吗?Is it an area of time warp?

它一定通到这条隧道之上了。It must open onto a tunnel.

他们封锁了隧道。They blanked off the tunnel.

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他们在坚硬的岩石中凿隧道。They tunnelled into solid rock.

男孩们在沙中挖一个隧道。The boys dug a tunnel in the sand.

在那河下面有条隧道。There is a tunnel under the river.

隧道在出口的西南边。The tunnel is southwest of the exit.

火车穿过青函隧道。The train went through Seikan Tunnel.

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他们凿通一条穿过岩石的隧道。They drove a tunnel through the rock.

他们凿了一条穿山隧道。They holed a tunnel through the hill.

我们全家人在游览海底隧道。Our family is visiting the oceanarium.

地铁在隧道中呼啸飞驰。The tube roared in the tunnel quickly.

隧道建在河下很深的地方。The tunnels lie deep under the rivers.

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我在隧道另一端看到了一缕光线。I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

我们开山凿洞,修建隧道。We excavated the mountain for a tunnel.

隧道正在穿山开凿。Tunnels are being cut through mountains.