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焚烧某人的肖像以泄恨。Burn a person in effigy.

他的肖像比他本人漂亮。His portrait flatters him.

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他的肖像挂满了全城。His portraits festoon town.

一些女人的肖像。The portrait of some woman.

她喜爱画人物肖像。She loves to paint portraits.

不要拿有印第安人肖像的木质钱币。Don't take any wooden Indians.

无框的肖像挂在无名的墙上。Frameless head on nameless walls.

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这些肖像价值几何?How valuable are these portraits?

这张肖像是写生的。The portrait is drawn from the life.

图为荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝的肖像。Tiety Entjes-Weij, of Queen Beatrix.

罗赛蒂的女王似的女人肖像。Rosetti's queenly portraits of women.

我画了三幅田纳西的肖像。I did three big portraits of Tennessee.

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他没有能力去观看她们的肖像。He is incapable of looking at portraits.

我请人给自己画张肖像。I am going to have my portraiture taken.

在古书里对我显示你的肖像。Show me your image in some antique book.

甘尼萨的肖像是一个合成物。The image of Ganesha is a composite one.

黑白底片照肖像效果很好。Black & White film is good for portraits.

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特别许克威照片肖像鞋垫。Special Jerry Hsu photo portrait footbeds.

他的肖像用一个很别致的框裱起来。His portrait was mounted in the fancy frame.

需要推荐的是他的肖像摄影。Marc McAndrews is good at portrait shooting.