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缓慢而持续。Slow but Steady.

多久疯丫头持续多久?How long does Minx last?

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激烈的战斗持续了一整天。The battle raged all day.

接着,一场持续40天的洪水爆发。Then a 40-day flood hits.

这一直持续到十八岁。and all the way up to 18.

所有图腾现在持续5分钟。All totems now last 5 min.

所以水会持续填充。So water will keep filling.

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就这样我们持续的把列表划分开。And I keep chopping it down.

那么这又持续了一阵So this goes on for a while.

持续时间有长有短。Duration has long have short.

持续有长有短。The duration of a long short.

这个减益效果持续10秒。This debuff lasts 10 seconds.

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您这个持续了一百天?Did you last one hundred days?

它们在这个世界上持续着。And they continue in the world.

没有持续的成员资格。There is no ongoing membership.

干旱过去常持续几个月。They used to last a few months.

本周协商会持续举行。Those talks continue this week.

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什么是持续集成?What is continuous integration?

但这样的守势不会持续太久。But this deference may not last.

伟大的艺术能持续数百年不衰。Gread art endures for centuries.