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夜盲好么?。Night Blindness.

这个男孩是夜盲。The boy is night blindness.

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夜盲很有可能由视觉问题所引起。Night blindness is most likely caused by vision problems.

检查夜盲的类似试验必须安排在较暗的光线下进行。A similar test for night-blindness should be arranged in subdued light.

千万别盯着火看,他告诉自己,火焰会让人夜盲。Don't stare at the fire, he told himself. The flames would leave him night blind.

文章也提到科波菲尔使用非常明亮的灯光使观众变成了“夜盲”。The article also mentions that Copperfield used very bright lights to "nightblind" the audience.

文章也提到科波菲尔使用非常明亮的灯光使观众变成了“夜盲”。The article also mentions that Copperfield used very bright lights to "night-blind" the audience.

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它在早期会导致夜盲,后期将导致永久性眼睛损伤和失明。It can cause night blindness in early stages and permanent eye damage and blindness in later stages.

维生素不足可导致夜盲、毛囊周角化过度、异物笥眼炎、儿童发病率我死亡率增高等。Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, keratomolacia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.

暗适应异常表现为夜盲,可见于维生素a缺乏症、视网膜色素变性等眼病。Dark adaptation is unusual expression is nyctalopia, lack the eye disease such as denaturation of disease, retinal pigment at vitamin A it is thus clear that.