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他是自学成才的He was self-taught.

我的英语是自学成才的。I learn English all by myself.

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伊拉克很多年轻音乐家都是自学成才的。Many young musicians in Iraq are self-taught.

我们知道你这家伙厉害,自学成才啊。I understand you've learned a lot by yourself.

孔子出生在纯粹的农民家庭,自学成才。Confucius was born a mere peasant who learned to teach.

实际情况是,许多专业的网络技术人员都是自学成才。The reality is that many web professionals are self-taught.

古今中外,许多伟人都是靠自学成才的。All times and in all, many great people are relying on self-taught.

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大多数人都把比尔•盖茨看作是自学成才的范例。Most people think of Bill Gates as the example of self-made persons.

菲尔。施耐德是一个自学成才的地质学家和炸药专家。Phil Schneider was a self-taugustht geologist very goodd explosives expert.

他不仅是一个成功的商人,还是一个自学成才的音乐人。A successful businessman in telecommunications, Ndesandjo is also a self-taught musician.

马克尼具有一种能发现有才华的科学家的特殊本领,这些科学家大多是自学成才的。Marconi had a special talent for finding brilliant scientists who were largely self-taught.

是一位自学成才的木匠,21岁时离开中国前往新加坡。Mr. Tay Teck Sim, a self-taught carpenter left China for Singapore when he was 21 years old.

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自学成才的牙医奥利里奥·艾斯科瓦惯于早起,六点钟就就把诊室的门开了。Aurelio Escovar, a dentist without a degree, and a very early riser, opened his office at six.

农民出身,自学成才,大学文化被国家领导人和国际友人称为“东方才子”。I am currently recognized by National leaders and foreign friends, as the "Talent of the East".

这个自学成才的神童很快赢得了当地的一些比赛,他的职业生涯就此定下了轨道。The self-taught prodigy was soon winning local tournaments, and the course of his career was set.

他是一个严格、认真、自学成才的精神病患者,小心翼翼地控制着他的精神健康状态。He's a strict, conscientious, self-taught psychopath who vigilantly maintains his mental ill health.

如果无知阻止你进入生活中的任何领域,采取主动,自学成才。If ignorance is holding you back in any area of your life, take the initiative and educate yourself.

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但一位自学成才的瘦高个、一位斯普林菲尔德市律师的成长经历告诉大家,我们有可能打造一个不同于以往的未来。But the life of a tall, gangly, self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible.

你认为动画艺术家在正式与教育有一个艺术家优于自学成才?Do you think that artists with a formal education in animation have an advantage over self-taught artists?

我父亲是个自学成才的琴手,他是我们镇最优秀的弦乐演奏者之一。My father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town.