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这个夏季我在扑救森林大火。I spent this summer fighting forest fires.

马.卡兰贝为切尔西作出了一次漂亮扑救。Ma Kalambay makes a good save for Chelsea.

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蒂姆·汤姆斯飞身扑救来保住整个赛季。Tim Thomas dived to keep their season alive.

Niemi作出了一些扑救,他们中的一个家伙命中了门柱。Niemi made some saves and one of their guys hit the post.

之前他们只是在六码区域内扑救。Before it was just being in the six-yard box saving shots.

弗里德尔至少做了2次以上的精彩扑救。To be fair Brad Friedel made two fantastic saves at least.

对丹麦比赛里,巴特兹多次精彩扑救。First against Denmark, Fabien Barthez saved us several times.

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能有效的组织林火扑救、减少火灾的损失。It is effective to put out forest-fire, and reduce fire losses.

他多次做出精彩扑救,前锋们望之兴叹。He had many good saves so far and strikers can not pass through.

两次与进球擦肩而过,迫使佐尔瓦斯做出精彩扑救。Twice went close to scoring, forcing excellent saves out of Tzorvas.

他们没有考虑到在波尔图门前的Helton手指像肥皂的扑救。They didn't count on Helton's soap-fingered handling in the Porto goal.

刀锋贪生怕死几次扑救,却险些也将本人堕入。Blade regiment several times, but nearly will also save himself falling.

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由于风速减弱,南加州的救火人员的扑救工作有所缓解。Fire persons in Southern California are getting some help form calmer winds.

对于我完成扑救就很好了,我很高兴我们赢下了比赛,我们踢了两个半小时,不过在我看来,我们一直没有落败的风险。For me to make that save was nice and I'm just delighted that we won the game.

腐蚀品着火时,可用水柱直接喷射扑救。When an erosive material catches fire, it should be put out with water cannon.

“那是个伟大的扑救,”他这样评价德赫亚扑出范佩西的点球。"It was a great save, " he added, of De Gea's vital stop from Robin van Persie.

在表扬完迭戈之后,布冯也称赞了自己对托蒂的那次扑救。Apart from praising Diego, Buffon also hailed the save he made on Francesco Totti.

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他们对我们来说是个大挑战,我必须做出几次扑救,但我们挺过来了。They were a big challenge for us and I had to make a couple of saves, but we hung on.

太胡闹了,我们想看见的是要一个守门员忙不过来和要令他作出扑救。Bollocks to that, what we want is to see a keeper being worked and made to make saves.

一辆3000加仑的飞机救援消防车辆采用手持水管来扑救飞机机身。Finally at 0526, a hand line from one ARFF 3000 gallon vehicle in use on the fuselage.