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何时迁移?When to migrate?

何时进行编译?When it compiles?

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我梦在何时?And when I dream ?

您何时加入的呢?When did you join?

何时是劳工节?。When is Labor Day?

你何时有体育课?When do you have PE?

我何时才可以付钱?Till when will I pay?

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何时是哥伦布日?。When is Columbus Day?

何时是国殇日?。When is Memorial Day?

台语是何时形成的呢?When is Taigi formed?

我应当何时划分?When should I partition?

苗族盛装何时穿戴?Why are they in attires?

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噢,噢,何时我能学乖?。Oh, oh when will I learn?

何时是独立节?。When is Independence Day?

何时应该使用哪一个?When should each be used?

我何时才能到达谷顶?And when would I reach it?

何时进行交叉训练?When Should I Cross-Train?

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我们何时可以指认他们?When can we identify them?

你们何时抵达伦敦的?When did you reach London?

不管何时,请相信我一定坚守承诺。I promise I'lll do my best.