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别为自己的记忆增加负担。Don't tax your memory.

负担在你身上。The burden is put on you.

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挑辆你能负担得起的汽车。Find a car you can afford.

她解除了思想负担。She took a load off her mind.

但是这双大耳朵同时也是Harbor的负担。But they can also be a burden.

你的学习任务怎样呢?学习负担重吗?So what about your study load?

赃物成了他思想上的很大负担。The theft weighed on his mind.

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你仍然要负担两个人的费用,即使她带走了三个皮箱的行李。She had three pieces of luggage.

那工作对他的心脏是沈重的负担。The work was a tax on his heart.

他们也负担最高的税收。They also pay the highest taxes.

他摆脱不了精神负担。He wasn't rid of the mental burden.

这沉重负担不久会使你困苦。This heavy load will crush you soon.

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工作负担重也会带来压力。Printing overload also causes stress.

他谁负担用度调用词调。he who pays the piper calls the tune.

但是要是你无法负担自驾游的费用呢?But what if you can’t afford to drive?

抱歉,我那种我负担不起。C. Sorry. I can't afford one of those.

众位好汉,最重的负担是什么?What is the heaviest thing, ye heroes?

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负担是孤独的同伴。Burdens are bedfellows with loneliness.

各种各样的救济会造成经济负担沉重。Relief payments percolated the economy.

他们负担重税。They were burdened with heavy taxation.