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其主根不明显、侧根发达。Its obvious main root, lateral roots developed.

由中柱鞘产生侧根及周皮。The pericycle produces the latent roots and periderm.

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短命植物的根系可分为须根型、主根型和侧根型。Their root systems included fibrous, tap and lateral root type.

根系有主根、侧根和发达的根毛。Roots are the main root, lateral roots and root hairs developed.

对有双侧根性症状的中央型突出则采取单切口双入路法处理。Two root symptom central type was dealed with single cut two entry road.

无论在低钾还是高钾条件下,冠菌素可以像生长素一样促进棉花侧根的发生。Coronatine, like auxin, enhanced the lateral root formation under whether low K or high K.

根系粗壮,侧根发达,根上具不定芽。有根瘤。Root system is sturdy, lateral root develops, errant shoot is had on the root, have root nodule.

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基因表达分析表明,NKT4主要在烟草主根和侧根中表达,在烟草叶中也有少量表达。NKT4 was mainly expressed in main roots and lateral roots and little in leaves in Nicotiana tabacum.

深根性,主。侧根均发达,以深厚肥沃的河床两岸生长良好。Deep root sex, advocate, lateral root all develops, grow with deep and fecund riverbed two sides good.

多粒型花生根体积大、主根根瘤数多、侧根数多。The nodule number of axial root, number of lateral root and root volume in var. fastigiata cultivars were greater too.

因此可以利用苗高和地径来进行苗木分级,但是也应适当考虑主根长和侧根数等其它性状。But other traits has to be considered properly , for example, the main root length, the number of the lateral roots, and so on.

与低浓度多胺作用不同,高浓度外源多胺对莴苣幼苗侧根的发育和主根伸长的促进作用不明显。However unlike PAs at low concentrations, PAs at high concentrations had less effect on lateral root development and main root elongation.

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胚根长、下胚轴长度和侧根数均表现为随着催芽时间的增加而上升、随着倍性的增加而下降的总趋势。The radicle and hypocotyl length and number of lateral roots increased with increasing germination time and decreased with increasing ploidy.

但是,由于红豆杉大多生长在岩石上,没有主根,侧根极为发达,是制作根雕工艺品的极品材料。However, because most of the growth of Taxus in rock, no main root, lateral root is developed, is to produce the best material Gendiao crafts.

参与侧根发生调控的植物激素主要是生长素,它影响到侧根发生过程的各个时期。茉莉酸对侧根的发生也有一定的调控作用。Auxin action is involved in all the stages of lateral root formation, and jasmonic acid has some effects on the regulation of lateral root formation too.

降雨量越大,根系越深、总根长越大、根系直径越大、侧根越多、根冠比越低。The higher the precipitation, the greater the root depth, total root length and root diameter, the more lateral roots and the lower ratio of root to shoot.

“陕椒2006”的根系分泌物无论高浓度还是低浓度处理,均促进番茄根长和芽长的生长,且降低番茄侧根数和根冠比。Both low and high concentration of root exudates promoted root length and shoot height, and restrained side root number and ratio of root to plant of tomato.

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结果随着牙周支持骨高度的丧失,牙槽嵴顶和唇侧根尖牙周膜应力逐渐增大。Results With the decreasing of the alveolar bone height, the stress in PDL augmented in lateral apical periodontal ligament and the topo f the alveolar ridge.

业已证实,多胺和NO对植物侧根发生都有促进作用,且多胺可以诱导植物多种组织产生NO。It have been confirmed that both polyamines and NO promote the development of plant lateral roots, and that polyamines can induce NO production in plant tissues.

根据统计学原理对一年生苗木苗高、地径、主根长、侧根数、根幅的测量数据进行了相关性分析。The correlations between seedling height, diameter at base, main root length, lateral root number and root range were analysed according to statistical principles.