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平平淡淡才是真,快快乐乐正是本。Go in light is really happy, it is this.

爱你一生一世生活平平淡淡!Nothing exciting life love you for life!

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有些人,的爱情,是平平淡淡的!Some person, of love, is so-so and light!

事业的平平淡淡,也许就是生活的太太平平吧!The cause of the light, may be living in peace!

直人们就更加倾向于喜欢体味“平平淡淡才是真”了。Straight people more often prefer a lento placidity.

淡定中,更渴望的是,平平淡淡、永恒的幸福。Calm down, the more eager is plain and eternal happiness.

一个人的一生可能成就非凡,也可能平平淡淡。He may also lead a quiet life. A career man has a busy life.

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平平淡淡之中的携手与幸福,才更珍贵。In the light of together with happiness, just more precious.

平平淡淡之中的携手与幸福,才更珍贵。Flat light and happiness into the work, all the more precious.

与其平平淡淡地过一生,不如投入地爱一次,哪怕是短暂的一小时。One hour of right-down love is worth an age of dully living on.

轰轰烈烈如过眼云烟,平平淡淡才是真。Magnificent and victorious over like clouds, go in light is true.

你可以写地华丽丰富,也可以平平淡淡。It can be sexy and luxurious or as plain and simple as you want it to be.

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生活如水般波澜不惊,平平淡淡,缓缓地流过男人的额头和女人的眼角。Life is flowing placidly across the forehead of men and canthus of women.

我慢慢的习惯了现在的生活,平平淡淡的就过去了一天又一天。I slowly got used to the present life, flat faint over them day after day.

没有惊天动地的过程,平平淡淡地相处,自自然然地结婚。Not earth-shattering, to get along with flat light, spontaneously marriage.

世界上有理想的人千千万,而绝大部分不都是平平淡淡地生活下去吗?The world has the ideal person to thousands, and most are not flat to live?

谁又能体会到平平淡淡地守候着这个角落的温情呢?Who could taste the warmhearted feelings of watching for the little corner?

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如果你选择了,请不要后悔,也许会平平淡淡,也许会波涛汹涌,毕竟你选择了。If you choose, please don't regret, may go in light, may the rough, after all, you choose.

曾将在幽幽暗暗反反复复中追问,才知道平平淡淡从从容容才是真。Who will faint in secret repeatedly asked, know nothing exciting is really from a leisurely.

轰轰烈烈的来,平平淡淡的离去,是悲是喜,该哭该笑,有点乱。Magnificent and victorious, flatly light go, good or bad, the cry the smile, a bit of a mess.