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缓解颈椎不适的穴位是风池穴。Cervical ease discomfort Fengchi Points is.

对照组则不采用穴位按摩法。In control group, there was no point massage.

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针必须扎在身体的一些特定穴位上。Needles need to go into specific points in the body.

我把针扎到您身上的穴位中去。I'm going to put needles into certin points on your body.

我把针扎到您身上的穴位中去。Im going to put needles into certain points on your body.

人中。人,指本穴位在头面天地人三部中的人部。This points to accommodate the three prominent in person.

以单纯复方樟柳碱穴位注射治疗作为对照组。To the compound anisodine injection as the control group.

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人胎盘组织液穴位注射有用吗?。Is inject of point of person placenta tissue fluid useful?

拍打每一个穴位点时,可以快速、不同的方式进行。The tapping on each point should be rapid little "thunks."

每天泡完脚以后,还可做穴位按摩。Finish daily feet, still can do massage ofbuttocks acupoint.

另外,部分保险公司也逐渐接受穴位按压。In addition, some insurance companies begin to accept acupressure.

其余37个穴位为一类,聚类无明显规律。Another type of other 37 acupoints, without obvious clustering rule.

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采用夏季三伏天穴位敷贴96例。Method In summer dog days, treat 96 cases with acupoint application.

当你胃痛时,按那个之前我显示给你看的穴位。When u feel stomach-ache, press the point which I showed you before.

我知道在按摩中找到确切的穴位是至关重要的。I know it is essential for massage to find out the accurate acupoint.

本文报导了针刺配穴位注射治疗腰腿痛的疗法。This paper reports acupuncture and point injection therapy for lumbago.

温和的穴位适用于恢复一种平静的一天。Gentle acupressure is applied to restore a sense of serenity to your day.

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睛明穴位于眼睛内眼角稍上方凹陷处。Jingming acupoint is located in the pit above slightly the inner canthus.

我们用针扎在自己的身上寻找正确的针灸穴位。We tried needles on our own bodies to find the proper acupuncture points.

帕博斯特博士指出,这些圆圈很是类似于中医的针灸穴位。Pabst points out that the circles are close to Chinese acupuncture points.