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因此这是一次难得的经历。So it's an adventure.

这是一个很难得的隐避地。It is very nice retreat.

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“难得”是个形容词。Nande" is an adjective."

这样的机会难得。Chances like that are rare.

机会难得,限时免费!Free just for limited time!

难得看到她面带笑容。It’s rare to see her smile.

他难得回我的信。He rarely answers my letters.

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他的朋友难得看望他。His friends seldom visit him.

机会难得。快去吧。It's a rare chance. Go ahead.

我的秘书是个难得的人才。My secret is a treasure people.

非也,这就是难得一求的雾凇!No, this is rarely asked scenes!

机会难得。Opportunity seldom knocks twice.

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这是一生中难得的机会。Itss an opportunity of a lifetime.

在冬天,这里很难得见下场雪。Hardly does it snow here in winter.

我们吃卷心菜、鱼真是一餐难得的宴飨!We have cabbage, fish what a treat!

我们吃面条,牛肉,真是一餐难得的宴飨!We have noodles, beef what a treat!

懦夫难得美人心。A faint heart never won a fair lady.

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他的计算难得出错。He is seldom out in his calculations.

那难得和同学去一次,好嘛?That rare and students to time, good?

珍妮特难得错过一场足球赛。Jeanette rarely misses a football game.