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这个定律通称为欧姆定律。This law is known as Ohm's law.

妇女是成年女子的通称。Women are known as adult women.

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半壁的世界人口此刻栖身于城通称里!Half the global population now lives in cities!

“璧”为贵重礼器,也是美玉的通称。"Bi"is the valuable ritual vessels and another name for jade.

藻类之一纲,包含一般通称轮藻的藻类。Class of algae, certain members of which are commonly known as stoneworts.

水书是水族古文字、水族书籍汉译的通称,具有惟一性、丰富性、古老性。Shuishu is a general name for Shui Minoritys ancient characters and books.

大纲是对文档中树型结构的通称。An outline is a common name given to a tree-shaped hierarchy in a document.

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用来制造“E”玻璃的窑是一种通称为单元窑的窑炉。The furnace employed for making "E" glass is of a type known as a Unit Melter.

因其皮毛绒密柔软,酷似水獭,故在我国通称为獭兔。Because of their dense soft fur fabric, like otters, it is known as Rex Rabbit.

算术和初等代数中普通的数通称纯量。The ordinary numbers of arithmetic and elementary algebra are known as scalars.

该剧以东京国际机场,通称羽田机场为舞台。The play to Tokyo international airport, general term for stage haneda airport.

“苏坦纳”是一种藤蔓水果的通称,它有二种实质上的优点。Sultanas, in common with all vine fruit have two specific attributes of real benefit.

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扯铃俗称空钟、抖空竹、风葫芦等,如今通称为扯铃。Pulling bell is also called Empty Bell, Trembling Empty Bamboo, and Wind Calabash etc.

“葵依”一词,是各种乐曲的统称,也是对和着乐曲即兴而舞这种形式的通称。The word "Kuiyi" refers to all kinds of music and impromptu dances accompanying the music.

癌症是一组可影响身体任何部位的多种疾病的通称。Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body.

帽绣、成衣绣、平绣、混合小型绣花机通称帽绣机。Hat embroidery, flat embroidery and small compounded embroidery are hat embroidery machines.

近猴、狐猴、眼镜猴类常通称为原猴类或低等灵长类。Near monkeys, lemurs , glasses monkeys often known as the original monkeys or lower primates.

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摩根大通称,以往债券回报和共同基金流动二者间存在密切联系.JP Morgan says there is a strong relationship between past bond returns and mutual fund flows.

这种得到广泛认可、高度初象化的X标杆表达法通称为X标杆理论。This widely recognized and highly abstract X-bar schema is commonly known as the X-bar theory.

我国封建王朝辅助君主掌管国事的最高官员的通称。Supporting China's feudal dynasty monarch known as the highest official in charge of the state.