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如何把蛤蜊塞进干净的奶油罐子里?How can a clam cram in a cran cream can?

您可以尝尝桑拿蛤蜊,味道很棒。You may try Sanna Clam. It is very tasty.

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一个人嘴巴闭得紧紧的时候,就好像蛤蜊闭上壳,怎么也不打开。Clams can close their shells very tightly.

一位奇努克妇女拿着一个装着蛤蜊的篮子。A Chinook Indian woman holds a clam basket.

蚌蛎类蛤蜊以长寿而著称。Quahog clams are known for their longevity.

三文鱼,蛤蜊,河蚌,虾,番茄酱。Salmon, clams, mussels , shrimp, tomato sauce.

虾,雪蟹,带壳扇贝,蛤蜊。Shrimp, snow crab, and scallop in shell, clam.

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蛤蜊,大虾,生蚝,扇贝,海虹,螃蟹。Vongole, Prawn, Oyster, Scallop, Mussel, Live Mud Crab.

海象以蛤蜊、蜗牛和其他海底生物为食。Walrus feed on clams, snails and other bottom dwellers.

我知道你喜欢海鲜蛤蜊汤,因为你喜欢‘椰林飘香’。I know you like Clam Chowder, because you like Pina Colada.

搭配味浓的海鲜,如蟹、蛤蜊及扇贝,味道鲜美无比。Enjoy with rich seafood dishes, such as crab, clams and scallops.

然后将香草蔬菜团和蛤蜊布置在鳕鱼周围,最后放入海篷子。Arrange gnocchi and clams around the cod and finish with samphire.

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在处理蛤蜊的时候可以预热一个铁煎锅并且将烤箱预热到最高温。At this time heat up an iron frypan and turn on the oven to grill.

蛤蜊海鲜杂烩里面还有蛤蜊和鱼类高汤。Clam chowders have --- as the name suggests --- clams and fish stock.

我想先来点蟹肉色拉,再来六个蛤蜊肉。I think I'll start with a crabmeat salad and then half a dozen clams.

加调料之前尝一下,因为蛤蜊会很咸。Have a little taste before seasoning, as the clams can be quite salty.

它通常由好几种鱼类,蛤蜊,贻贝和对虾熬成。It typically has a few different types of fish, clams, mussels and prawns.

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意式贝壳面配小蛤蜊,对虾,及鲶鱼伴番茄红椒酱。Pasta, little neck clams, prawns and grouper in a tomato and chilli sauce.

牛肋排,香煎带子,蒸蛤蜊和青口贝或者香辣鸡翅翅。Beef Rib, Pan Seared Scallops, Steamed Clams and Mussels, or Spicy Chicken wing.

而据斑戈大学研究小组的声明,这只新发现的蛤蜊则比它老了至少30岁。The new clam is at least 30 years older, according to the Bangor University team.