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可锻铸铁。Smithing cast iron.

可锻铸铁。Malleable cast iron.

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可锻铸铁。Medium hard cast iron.

钳身可锻铸铁制造。Body made of malleable cast iron.

链条导轨是可锻铸铁。The chain guide is malleable iron.

线夹的本体和楔子为可锻铸铁,热镀锌。The body and wedge are malleable iron.

链轮是由铸铁制成,链条则是由可锻铸铁制成。Sprocket rim made from cast iron, chain guide is malleable iron.

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主体材料采用高强度可锻铸铁,热镀锌防锈。The body made of high-intensity malleable iron, hot-dip galvanized.

更大更舒适的可锻铸铁手轮,操作更加轻松。Larger more comfortable malleable iron handwheel for easier operation.

经石墨化退火后,即可得到可锻铸铁,加工方便。The graphite annealing, can get malleable iron, processing is convenient.

用电镜观察了可锻铸铁白口组织经预温处理后的变化。The changes of structure of malleable cast iron prebaked are studied using TEM.

耐热球墨可锻铸铁是一种新型的耐热铸铁。Heat resisting nodular malleable cast iron is a new kind of heat resistant cast iron.

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研究了SG变质剂对可锻铸铁石墨化退火的影响。The influence of SG inoculant on graphitizing annealing of malleable cast iron was investigated.

采用稀土硅铁、铋为复合孕育剂,对可锻铸铁进行了孕育处理。The malleable iron was inoculated with compound inoculating agent containing Re-Si-Fe alloy and Bi.

线夹的本体和楔子为可锻铸铁,热镀锌。其余为热镀锌钢制件。The body and wedge are malleable iron, The other parts are steel, All ferrous parts are hot-dip galvanized.

针对输电线路上可锻铸铁金具在交变电流的作用下产生磁滞和涡流损耗。Malleable cast ironware produces hysteresis and eddy current loss under alternating current in transmission!

对高锰可锻铸铁的高温石墨化退火动力学进行了研究。High temperature graphitizing annealing kinetics for high manganese malleable cast iron has been investigated.

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线夹本体和压板为可锻铸铁件,闭口销为不锈钢制件,其余为钢制件。可锻铸铁件和钢制件热镀锌。The clamp body and keepers are malleable iron, the closed-pins stainless steelwork, the other parts are steel.

考察了不同的孕育剂对可锻铸铁低温石墨化的影响。Several kinds of inoculation influencing the graphitization of malleable at low temperature have been examined.

对铸态可锻铸铁的材质、孕育处理及石墨化退火工艺进行了研究。The components, modification and graphitizing annealing technology of ductile cast iron as-cast was researched.