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被官方接受为圣经的圣经篇目。The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.

第二章,考辨李冶诗歌的流传及篇目。Chapter II is about the contents and spread fo Li Ye's poetry.

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二是对文言文的学习强调了诵读的作用,还规定了背诵的数量和篇目。Emphasis has been placed on reading aloud in learning of the classical language.

第二章对张华诗歌的篇目、类型及内容予以具体的梳理和归纳。Chapter two on the ideological content and mental connotation of Zhang Hua's Poetry.

所不同者,对内容做了重新编排,删掉并增加了一些篇目。The difference, did to the content has arranged, erases and increased some tables of contents.

他的许多政治小册子、散文篇目、信件和诗歌都以高效而简洁的语言著称。His many pamphlets, prose, letters, and poetry were all marked by highly effective and economical language.

汪曾祺的文论思想散布于他的散文中,还有一些讲演,更有专门的文谈篇目。His thought spreads his essays and is in some lectures, more in the special texts on thought of literary theory.

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她的四个哥哥和姐姐也毫不逊色,他们遨游万维网来做作业、听音乐、浏览电影篇目。Her four elder brothers and sisters are no less adept, surfing the World Wide Web for schoolwork, music and cinema listings.

我国古代诗歌中咏酒之作篇目繁多,酒题材贯穿了诗歌发展的各个阶段。Numerous creations on wine chant have been found in ancient Chinese Poems, with the subject throughout the entire history of poem development.

这两篇论文如今已经称为合成生物学的研讨篇目,尽管在当时,任何一篇文章都没有引起公众注意。The two publications are now widely cited as the seminal papers of synthetic biology, though neither paper received much publicity at the time.

像唐寅这样以毕生的精力和众多的篇目来写“花”在文学史上是罕见的现象。It is rare in the history of literature that a person like Tang Yin had dedicated himself to writing an enormous number of articles about flowers.

本文主要依据相关文献著录,稽考梳理了颜延之佛学著述的篇目、真伪以及存世情况。In this paper, based upon the philological catalog, investigates the table of contents, the items and the authenticity of Yan Yanzhi's Buddhism writings.

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刘向、刘歆父子所编辑校正的“六艺”、诸子百家、诗赋等,篇目明晰,思想宗旨详明而大观。"Six Arts", various schools of Masters, the poetry and so on, edited and corrected by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin, are lucid in writing and elaborate in thoughts.

刊物栏目的编排与篇目的分布都体现出它作为文学研究与批评专刊的定位。Publications section of the choreography and the table of contents reflects the distribution of both literary studies and criticism of it as a special issue of the location.

在介绍了满铁及其科研机构的基础上,具体论述了这些科研机构的文献资料篇目溯源。The paper has introduced in the Mantetsu research institutions on the basis of specific scientific research institutions and the traceability from the title of the documents.

索引按篇目顺序分类编制,概述、撷萃、大事记、附录不作索引。The index is worked out according to the order of sections and chapters as well as subject categories. There is no index for survey, the "Highlights", memorabilia and addenda.

对其版本著录、人物分析、叙事手法分析、故事类型概括、篇目考证等方面的研究的论文就有三十六篇之多。Its version of the record, character analysis, analysis of narrative technique, style, story summary, table of contents and other aspects of research papers have thirty-six much.

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本文从高中语文课本中的古代诗文篇目着手,就中学生人格塑造这一论题展开分析、论述。The thesis analyse and discuss the modeling of middle school students' personality , entering on the ancient poetry and essay of the Senior Chinese textbook, and point out the necessity.

文章意在探讨唐五代白话小说中佛传题材篇目的佛典来源,试图理清它们出现的先后顺序。This paper is aimed at the exploration of the origins of Buddhism borrowed into the vernacular novels of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties so as to sort out their exact chronological order.

新时期的四套高中语文教材中古代作品,从数量、体裁、朝代、经典性程度以及具体篇目来看,总体上趋于合理,但仍存在着诸多不足之处。From quantity, types of literature, dynasty and classical degree, we have found that selecting classical texts is tending towards rationalization as a whole, but it still being some deficiencies.