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他觉得要为他以前的雇圆工作很失身分。He found it very demeaning to have to work for former employee.

如果你的男友只有二十几岁或十几岁,你可以失身,但不能嫁。If your boyfriend is only 20 teens or teen , you can lose, but not marry.

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他还经常听说女人们很担心失身给错误的人。He also hears quite often from women concerned about losing their virginity to Mr. Wrong.

还有那个在幽会的欢乐中一时控制不住自己而失身的姑娘,谁有会谴责她呢?Rendezvous there in that moment of joy control Can not own and deflowered girl, who would condemn her?

当他们看到那个帝宗高手的失身的时候,一个个都大惊失色了起来。When they see that emperor believe in a losing chastity of superior of time, as entire scared to disgrace.

当代异化的教育背离了它的原点,失身为经济、政治的奴仆。The modern alienated education deflects from its origin, and reduces itself to the slave of economy and politics.

⊙、对于一个决不肯随便失身于人的妇女,肉体是骄傲的,肉体比思想更不容易消除怨愤。For a person who never can literally lose chastity to women, the body is proud of, the body is not easy to eliminate the resentment more than thought.

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但众声喧哗中对西方批评理论的“失身”,带来的恰是中国批评话语的“失声”,此已成为批评界的共同判断和忏悔。In the course, Chinese literary criticism seemed to have lost itself, and devoiced , which is a common recognition and regret in the field of criticism.

正派的男人多的是,他们绝不会想到要逼你失身,尽管他们也有欲望。Cindy there are plenty of honorable guys out there who will not even think of having you give up your virginity to them just because they have sexual urges.

苔丝失身之后,对亚雷极其鄙视和厌恶,她带着心灵和肉体的创伤回到父母身边,发现自己已经怀孕了。Tess Shishen, the Ya-lei extremely contempt and loathing with her spiritual and physical trauma returned to their parents around, find themselves already pregnant.

研究表明拥有更有吸引力的声音的男女也同样拥有更多性伴侣,失身的年龄更早,也更乱。The study also found that men and women with more attractive-sounding voices reported having more sexual partners, had their first sexual intercourse at a younger age, and were more promiscuous.