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我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。I'm sure he'll make a master boxer.

我相信他会成为一名身手不凡的拳师。I' m sure he' ll make a master boxer.

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年轻的拳师打败了卫冕冠军。The champion was dethroned by a young boxer.

“什么都在帽盒你,我的朋友?”询问拳拳师。"What have you in the hat-box, my friend?" inquired the Pugilist.

职业拳师不能靠十年前吃的牛排打赢今日的对手。Newspaper men can't do good work on the THINKING of twenty years ago.

当女性接吻之际,常使我想起职业拳师们的握手礼。When women kiss, it always reminds me of prize fighters shaking hands.

“那么你打算如何处理好新皱眉?”的拳拳师问道。"And what are you going to do with the nice new frown?" the Pugilist asked.

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它是只纯种拳师豿,有优秀血统,所以昂贵。我们是跟一位一流的动物饲育师买的。Boxer with an outstanding pedigree that's why. We got him from a top breeder.

阿拳拳师会见了共同体,谁是带着帽盒的道德情感。Pugilist met the Moral Sentiment of the Community, who was carrying a hat-box.

禅师安排这个男孩和一位经验丰富的拳师进行拳击比赛。The Buddhist monk arranged a boxing match between the boy and an experienced boxer.

它和拳师犬、狮子狗、猎鸟犬或其他镇上的狗格格不入。He was far out of place with the boxers, poodles, bird dogs, and other breeds of town dogs.

美国著名拳师麦科伊小子有一次被个醉汉喝骂并且挑战。Kid McCoy, distinguished US boxer, was once harangued and challenged to a fight by a drunk.

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尽管她充满的疑虑,尼克还是热衷于成为一名专业的搏击拳师。Despite her misgivings, Nick is fixated on becoming a professional mixed martial arts fighter.

不久我就有意把他的拳师裤和我的外裤混在一起,好引起一些遐想。Soon I started mixing in my panties with his boxers, which led to some flirtatious folding sessions.

天刚破晓,我们便要起来,穿上腰布,跟一位盲人拳师学一两套拳。We had to get up before dawn and, clad in loin-cloths, begin with a bout or two with a blind wrestler.

这则短片讲的是拳师犬巴斯特和小女孩布丽奇特的神奇故事。The new advert tells the magical story of a dog called Buster the Boxer and a little girl named Bridget.

拳师犬又叫做德国拳师犬、德国斗牛犬,这种狗体型较大,毛短。The nicknames for this breed are German Boxer, German Bulldog and they are large-sized, short-haired dogs.

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此外,拳师犬、斗牛犬、腊肠犬、贵妇犬和西施犬也从164个犬种中脱颖而出,跻身排行榜前十名。Boxers, Bulldogs, Dachshunds, Poodles and Shih Tzu rounded out the top 10 most popular dogs in the list of 164 breeds.

我的预感没有错,两分钟以后,我引来了艾贝尔斯家的拳师狗,它围着我绕来绕去,狂吠着,不肯离去。My hunch was right. Two minutes later I set off the Abels' boxer. He circled around me, barking, and refused to leave.

拳师狗。格兰维尔得以让公众了解城市公园野生动物们的生活状态,它们过着怎样的生活经常惨遭人们忽视。This is Boxer Dog. Photographer Grand wants people know the miserable but neglectable animal living situation in our city.