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我的国家只是一个小国,My country is a small country

内陆小国家,安道尔共和国。The tiny landlocked nation of Andorra.

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那就在这个波罗的海小国买套房子吧。Just buy property in this Baltic State.

该帝国吞并了许多小国。The empire absorbed many small nations.

这个小国被其他国家四面围住。The small country is locked in by other nations.

他们有控制这个小国的野心。They had the ambition to dominate this small country.

这小国与这强国联合。The small country allied itself to the stronger power.

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爱尔兰是个小国,想在此隐形藏身几乎是不可能的。As a small country, Ireland is a hard place to hide in.

从一个附庸小国到独立的诸侯国,秦。From a vassal small to independent fiefdoms, qin dynasty.

有些人认为全球化对小国倒运。Some people think globalization is bad for small nations.

这个小国在很大程度上依靠于其海外贸易。This small country depends heavily on its overseas trade.

如果周边小国违抗它的意愿,中国能够自制吗?Can China help itself when smaller neighbors defy its will?

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卡塔尔这个海湾小国虽是弹丸之地,但却在武装给予反对党支持。The small Gulf state was instrumental in arming the rebels.

尼加拉瓜可能只算个小国,但却是具有代表性的一个国家。NICARAGUA may be a small country but it is an emblematic one.

比利时是欧洲最安分守己的小国之一。She was one of the most unoffending little countries in Europe.

有着众多敌人的小国承担不起变成被遗弃贱民的代价。A small country with many foes cannot afford to become a pariah.

但是,考虑到苏里南这样的小国,这种大规模移民是不能够忽视的。But Suriname’s size means that the influx is impossible to ignore.

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大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。Gone are the days when a big nation could king it over small ones.

大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones.

贝里斯是中美洲东北岸的一个小国。Belize is a tiny country on the northeast coast of Central America.