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在闷热蒸腾的夏天正午In the sweltering haze of summer-noon

路面蒸腾的热浪混合着汽车尾气扑面而来。The odor of hot pavement and auto exhaust blew into thecar.

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HL型普那菊苣是高光合、高蒸腾的类型。HL-type was high photosynthetic ability, high transpiration type.

你们有些人可能会觉得所有的额外疲惫的蒸腾。Some of you may be feeling extra tired from all that is transpiring.

植被影响树的蒸腾作用强,使环境更加潮湿。Vegetation affected tree transpiration of strong, more humid environment.

因而提出保卫细胞原生质在气孔蒸腾中的作用值得进一步研究。We suggest that the protoplasm of guardcell involved in stomatal movement.

大气水势远远低于土壤水势和植物水势是土壤蒸发和植物蒸腾的总动力源。But the water potential was lowered by hundred MPa from plant to atmosphere.

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气孔扩散阻力与蒸腾强度呈负相关。There was a negative relation between stomatal resistance and transpiration.

这意味着幼茎叶片比老茎叶片有较强的控制蒸腾失水的能力。This means that the leaves of new stem had more ability to limit water loss.

小麦蒸腾速率日变化曲线为单峰型,中午最高。Daytime change of transpiration rate of wheat leaves appeared as single peak.

整个平原蒸腾起一阵热浪,他很难看清山脉那远远的模糊的身影。He could hardly see them faint and far away in the heat-light over the plain.

水分上升的动力主要来自于植物的蒸腾拉力和导管的毛细作用。The impetus of water uptake is "transpiration pull"and capillarity phenomena.

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蒸散是土壤蒸发和植物蒸腾的总称。Evapotranspiration is the sum of soil evaporation and vegetation transpiration.

蒸腾系数分析,水稻生理需水并非最多。From analysis of the transpiration coefficient, it shows that rice is not much.

触杀性杀螨杀虫剂,它在植物体内无内吸作用和蒸腾作用。Shiraki sexual acaricide pesticide plant in vivo uptake role and transpiration.

同一树种蒸腾效率随立地水分条件而变化,水分条件愈差,蒸腾效率亦愈低。The worse the water condition was, the lower the efficiency of transpiration was.

水的散失也包括从植物体中蒸腾到大气层中的水。Loss of water also includes the transpiration of water to the atmosphere from plants.

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那么,请沉醉在摩卡咖啡的幽幽香气中,让思绪随着蒸腾的热气游走吧!So drench yourself in the aroma of mocha coffee and drift away with your steaming cup.

太阳一升起来,你就会看到水汽从地面和树林中蒸腾起来。As soon as the sun rises, you see wisps of condensation rising from the ground and trees.

蒸腾速率在花后5天达到最大,然后逐渐减小。The transpiration rate reached their maximal about 5 days after anthesis, then went down.