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按我现在的心气,我今天就想买下了。In my of mind, I'd like to buy one today.

按我现在的心气,我就想买下了。In my frame of mind, I'd like to buy one today.

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它将耗尽你的心气,夺走你的快乐。It will drain you and rob you of your happiness.

他在一种奇怪的心气平和的心境里安定了下来,再也不着急了。He had settled down into a strange and comfortable state of mind.

心气是推动血液循行的原动力。The heart-qi is the fundamental motive power to propel blood circulation.

触及女人的装饰一事,那可得随着她自己的心气儿。A woman must needs follow her own fancy touching the adornment of her person.

你能管住第三营么?刚被我训练过,心气可高。Can you a standing ovation a third camp?Just was trained by me, the heart spirit was tall.

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在心气的推动下,血液被运送到人体各部分起营养作用。Under the impulse of heart-qi, blood is transported to all parts of the body for nutritive prupose.

单身不可怕,可怕的是连喜欢的人都没有,甚至是去喜欢人的心气儿都没有。The single is not terrible, terrible is even love people who are not, even to love people without heart.

因此,心气的状况和血液量可以从脉象和面色中体现。Thereby the condition of heart-qi and the blood volume may be shown in both the pulse condition and the complexion.

认为凡由心气不足、心神不宁所致的各种老年病,均可以本方为主治疗。It is argued that many geriatric diseases due to heart-qi deficiency and unquiet spirit can be treated by this Decoction.

所以,无论是心气还是心血的充足与否都会影响心的搏动力、速度、和节律。As a result, whether heart-qi and heart-blood are sufficient or not can affect the strength, rate and rhythm of the heart.

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目的观察经可曲性支气管镜置入支架治疗恶性中心气道狭窄的临床疗效和安全性。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of implanting nitinol stents in malignant airway stenosis by flexible bronchoscopy.

我想年轻人显然希望在工作岗位上可以迅速地上调,这比我这样的老年人的心气要高很多。A.I think the younger generation obviously wants to move a lot more quickly in positions than maybe the more senior folks like me.

在2004年何香凝美术馆名为“少年心气”的展览中,周文中脱颖而出拿到金奖。In 2004, Zhou Wenzhong shined out in winning the Gold Medal at He Xiangning Art Museum's "Ideal of New Generation" award exhibition.

心火上炎、心血亏虚、心气不足均可引起脱发,故临床可考虑从心论治。It is argued that hair loss may result from heart fire, heart-blood and heart- qi deficiency. It is suggested to cure alopecia from heart.

目的探讨应用单纯纤维支气管镜下球囊扩张术治疗良性中心气道狭窄的疗效及安全性。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of fiberoptic bronchoscopic balloon dilation in the treatment of benign central airway stenosis.

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这些尤其谈到了心气之间的关系,以及姿势如何影响气能,而让行者生起正观和了悟等。These especially talked about it, and the relationship between the posture affect how gas can, and let walker arrises is view and awareness, etc.

肺气与心气关系密切,两者通过宗气,生理上相互资助,病理情况下相互累及。Lung Qi and heart Qi have a keen relationship, they help each other physiologically and influence each other pathologically through initial energy.

肺气行津与心气行血的功能通过心肺之气间的密切关系连接起来。The function of lung Qi regulating body fluids and heart Qi regulating blood relate through the close relationship between the heart Qi and lung Qi.