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他向多家杂志投稿?。He contributes to many magazines.

他向文学杂志投稿。He contributed to a literary journal.

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照片为原始图片,由投稿人本人拍摄。Photo should be original taken by contributor.

我的父亲常在一个文学刊物上投稿。My father often contributes to a literary journal.

那位学生已经向文学杂志投稿。The student has contributed to a literary journal.

投稿过后的回复是系统退信。This message is generated by COREMAIL email system.

共有52篇投稿进行壁报交流。Article submissions for posters were 52 communication.

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那本书第一次投稿被出版商丢到一边去了。When it first came out it was dropped by the publisher.

新秀作者可以注册在ficly.com上投稿。Budding writers can register to contribute at

投稿即赠送金宝贝笔记本一个!Any one who attend will get a Gymboree notebook as a gift.

Helen是因为1936年撰写女潮文章给自由杂志投稿,编辑说新名字更像作家。The editor said the new name would sound more like a writer’s.

这位教授经常向一家文学杂志投稿。The professor often contributes articles to a literary journal.

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犀牛的形体像牛小学生作文作文人网你也可以投稿,头呈三角形。The body of the rhinocero likes a cattle, the head likes a triangle.

另外一个信息来源是杂志的投稿网页。Another source of this information is the journal's submission webpages.

您的投稿将会在项目中或在未来的专栏里出现。Your contributions will be included in this project and in future columns.

另外,该网站还提供在线的订阅和投稿。In addition, this web provides on-line servings of subscibe and contribution.

TechRepublic投稿人埃蒙德·沃伊乔斯基分享了他列出的前20个理由。TechRepublic contributor Edmond Woychowsky shares his list of top 20 reasons.

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下面是几个合法的网站,你可以通过写作投稿从他们那里获得不错的收入。Here are a few legitimate sites where youcan earn good money with your writing.

如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief.

代夫柴林斯基,自由作家,经常投稿国际演讲人杂志。Dave Zielinski is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to the Toastmaster.