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所以命名为栖灵塔。So we named it Qiling pagoda.

我们认为他向北去哀嚎通灵塔了。We think he went off north to the Wailing Ziggurat.

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灵塔,专门用于保存活佛遗体的佛塔。Dedicated specifically for the preservation of the remains of the Living Buddha Stupa.

我们的境况没啥希望了。我们接到命令用几苗人去占领哀嚎通灵塔。Our situation is nearly hopeless. We were ordered to take the Wailing Ziggurat with a handful of men.

用十几个人向被污染的蜘蛛城市外围的天灾通灵塔进攻,我看是疯了。Call me crazy, but storming a Scourge ziggurat outside a plagued Nerubian city with a dozen men ain't my idea of fun.

藏传佛教的灵塔式样基本相同,通常由塔座、塔瓶、塔刹三部分组成。Tibetan Buddhism is basically the same as dedicated to style, it is not uncommon Tazuo, bottle tower, Tasha of three parts.

中轴线的东侧是蕅益大师灵塔塔院、药师殿、僧寮和寺院办公室。The funerary Stupa laying the remains of Great Master OuYi, Pharmacist Hall, Monks' Cell and Office of the temple are at the east of the midfield axis.

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最大的达赖五世灵塔高14.85米,共用黄金l1.9万余两,大小珍珠4000多颗,其它珍宝不计其数。The largest tower of the fifth Lama is 14.85 metres high, its decoration contains 119 thousand liangs of gold, 4 thousand pearls of all sizes and countless other jewels.

韩国海军参谋总长金盛赞、遗属、海军等共有300余人参加当天在白翎岛举行的“天安舰慰灵塔”揭幕仪式。Kim praised the South Korean navy chief of staff, survivors, Navy more than 300 people attended the day in paekyong at the "comfort Cheonan pagoda, " the opening ceremony.

红宫内环绕正殿共有八大祭堂,每一祭堂各有一座灵塔,其中以五世和十三世达赖喇嘛的灵塔最为奢华。In the Red Palace, there locates 8 sacrifice halls, each among which contains a coffin tower. Among these towers, the ones of the 5th and 13th Dalai Lamas are the most extravagant.