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他好像大部分时间都在苦学钻研。He seems to spend most of his time swotting up.

我苦学了两年英语课程。I laboured at the English course for two years.

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你先勤奋苦学十年,然后再给我写信吧。After you've worked hard for ten years, write me again.

他完全靠着苦学,把自己训练成一个外科医生。By an act of sheer self-discipline he had made himself a surgeon.

他苦学了几法语,现在已经掌握得很好了。He has fagged away at French for some years and has mow mastered it.

天父,感谢耶稣,祂「因所受的苦学了顺服」。Father, thank you for Jesus, who "learned obedience from what he suffered."

他们已经开始考大学前那种长期而劳累地埋头苦学了。They have begun the long and tiresome grind of preparing themselves for college entrance.

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然后他们开始为准备考大学而进行长期劳累的埋头苦学。They then begin the long and tiresome grind of preparing themselves for college entrance.

这些本能的喜爱,是不需要求师苦学就能自通的。These instinctive love, which is not hard science teachers will be able to request a self-.

吴曾经自己在家中苦学了近2个月的国际广播。Wu once locked himself in his bedroom for two months learning the ABCs of Internet programming.

阴雨者晴之余”,意为要充分利用寒冬、深夜和雨天别人歇手之时发奋苦学。He meant he would make good use of chill winter, deep night and rainy days to learn more when others were resting.

电脑买回家里,苦学自钻了三个半月,可以摸索着打字排版了。Buy a computer at home, school suffered a three and a half months since the drill, you can find out the type of layout.

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这种苦学的精神,促使他的学识突飞猛进,成为饱学之士。His determination allowed him to progress in leaps and bounds, and gave him the opportunity to become a learned person.

这一晃,六年苦学生涯就过去了,我从中学到了不少知识,同样也开阔了眼界!This is a flash or six years of hard study his career is over, I learned a lot of knowledge and also broaden the horizons!

有一个实行苦学的著名学者,有一次在夜间读书的时候打盹,便拿锥子在股上一刺。There was a famous scholar who studied bitterly and who stuck an awl in his calf when he fell asleep while studying at night.

很高兴看到你留的帖子,说你正在苦学英语,希望你能坚持到底。I am so happy to see your post saying that you are learning English, and I do hope you can stick to it and carry it out finally.

当你正在桌上埋头苦学时,母亲送来一杯香浓牛奶,将母爱都融在这热气腾腾牛奶中。When you are immersed in the table hard hours, the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk.

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才气,不仅要靠先天的秉赋,更要靠后天的好学、博学、苦学、勤学。Talented, should not only by innate original genius depends on the day after tomorrow, the more studious, knowledgeable, laboured at, diligent.

可后来因为家务缠身,孩子又小,终究又把辛苦学来的几个单词完璧归赵地还给老师。Later, because the home can be ridden, and small children, after all, then a few hard-learned words after Choi returned to the Zhao and teachers.

那意味着雇佣那些了解世界某件事物的人,而不只是那些在学校里苦学多年进入日本最好大学和最大公司的人。That means hiring people who know something about the world, not just those who have spent years in crammer schools to get into Japan's best universities and biggest firms.