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高粮产地,牵制性战斗。High grain region, diversionary battle.

我们的战士知道如何牵制敌人。Our solders knew how to pin down enemies.

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海军用炮火牵制敌人。The navy tied the enemy down with gunfire.

敌人的主力受到了牵制。The main force of the enemy met with a check.

他们牵制住攻击他的人,才使他得以逃掉。They enabled him to escape by keeping his attackers in play.

御性地解除牵制。如果你的一部分计划是控制一种颜色的格子,就把象放。Flank them if part of a plan to control squares of one color.

云空和一清牢牢地牵制了杉木等人前进的步伐。Cloud empty and a clear firmly hold the fir the pace of progress.

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敌人的许多主力部队终于被牵制住了。Large numbers of the enemy's main force were at last pinned down.

如果这匹马不受牵制,它就会跳过篱笆。If the horse had not been held in, he would have cleared the fence.

被他的信念牵制着,他是一个奴隶,他丧失了自由。Chained by his certitudes , he is a slave, he has forfeited freedom.

部队以强大的步兵进攻来牵制敌人使其不能离开。The army pinned the enemy to its ground by powerful infantry attacks.

战士们设法牵制住敌人,等待援兵到来。The soldiers tried to keep the attacking enemy in check until help came.

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她说,她成为牵制蝴蝶在电影园地和唱歌了。She said she became a butterfly pinned down and singing away in Movieland.

至少,坐拥台湾能够向北牵制日本,南扼菲律宾。At minimum, that would unsettleJapanto the north and thePhilippinesto the south.

卓久传达了李剑的命令,在赵家圩子制造混乱,牵制赵金贵。Convey ZhuoJiu keyboard commands in zhao WeiZi create chaos, contain Zhao Jingui.

他们团的任务是牵制侵略军的侧翼。The task of their regiment was to pin down one of the flanks of the invading army.

买卖双方在信用评级问题上互相牵制,剑拔弩张。Buyers and sellers is mutual on credit grade issue diversionary , at swords' points.

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西方是否应该继续接触俄罗斯,或者更加关注牵制它的野心。Should the West continue to engage Russia or focus more on containing its ambitions?

在医师中获得特殊牵制力的一条原则是对患者个体的尊重。One tenet that gained particular traction among clinicians was respect for the person.

陆战队在海滩登陆时,海军用猛烈的炮火牵制敌人。The navy tied the enemy down with big gun fired while the marines landed on the beach.