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不要耍小聪明。Don't play petty tricks.

汤姆因耍小聪明受到了申斥。Tom was sat on for showing off.

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你只是想耍耍小聪明罢了。You are merely trying to be smart.

国家不发薪水,他只好靠自己的小聪明赚钱。With no state salary, he earns money by his wits.

这种有争议的趋势就是趋向于耍小聪明。The trend at issue is the trend towards cleverness.

许多人都想靠小聪明度日,却因缺乏实力而无以为继。Many would live by their wits, but break for want of stock.

蚁垤却认为这个瑜伽士不过是想要耍小聪明然后逃走而已。He thought that the yogi was just trying to be smart and get away.

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既然我不像卡特夫人那样无可责难,我决定不耍这个小聪明。Since I wasn’t as blameless as Mrs. Carter, I decided not to be cute.

超市刷着小聪明让你买的多多益善。Supermarkets use many subtle ploys to get you to buy more than you plan.

我为我平日的小聪明感到羞愧,我离开正途闯入了仙境般的世界。My everyday wisdom was ashamed. I went astray in the fairyland of things.

如果你有很多钱,那么在实验天文物理学中耍点小聪明很容易。It's so easy to be clever in experimental astrophysics if you have a lot of money.

但是他没想到何贵和黑子发现了他的小聪明。But the petty trick that he did not think of to Hegui and black mole discovered him.

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如果工会认为这件事会对他们有利,那他们就是在耍小聪明,大事糊涂。If Unions think this is beneficial to them, they are being penny-wise and pound foolish.

一些拙劣的和优秀的表演者在这个舞台上浮浮沉沉,耍着他们的小聪明。An assortment of weird and wonderful performers moves on and off stage doing their tricks.

武则天从小聪明果断,通文史,长得又漂亮,14岁那年被唐太宗召进皇宫,成为才人。At the age of 14, she was taken into the imperial palace by Emperor Taizong as a concubine.

从某种意义上讲,生活就是一场战役。那种妄想凭借小聪明闲混到出人头地的人最终只会落得失败的下场。Life is in a sense a battle. The man who thinks to get on by mere smartness and by idling meets failure at last.

在他们眼里,除了与钱有关的东西以外,就没有有价值的东西了,他们大都是耍小聪明的人。They are excellent entrepreneurs, have few values other than those connected with money and are mostly street-wise.

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抛弃契约精神耍弄小聪明的人,无视契约精神把小聪明用的极好的民族,最终将丧失获取大智慧的机会。The individuals and nations who take advantage of others regardless of social contract will fail to gain high profits.

我劝你还是别再耍小聪明,安份守己地完成自己该做的事就好了。I'd like to advise you not to play petty tricks anymore. You'd better keep on the rails and do what you should do honestly.

他本以为早上耍的小聪明只是玩笑,很有独创性,可现在看来那既卑鄙又可耻。His smartness of the morning had seemed to Tom a good joke before, and very ingenious. It merely looked mean and shabby now.