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这是约翰生先生,我们的总裁。This is Mr. Johnson, our MD.

我认为我们需要一位新总裁。I think we need a new president.

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私募资金中国地区执行总裁。Tano China Capital Management Inc.

我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。What do you think of the newsreel?

吉恩·鲍尔,农场动物避难所总裁Gene Baur, President, Farm Sanctuary

我叫汤姆。斯密夫,本公司的总裁。I'm Tom Smit, president of this company.

她总是奉承总裁。She keeps buttering up to the president.

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总裁解散了公司。The president disbanded the corporation.

拉金在一月接任总裁。Larkin takes ove as President in January.

工人们向路透社展示一封意在知会苹果总裁斯蒂夫乔布斯中文信描述到,英文版信件已经被送到苹果公司。An English version had been sent to Apple.

总裁不久将辞任。The president will soon retire from office.

这是约翰生先生,我们的总裁。This is Mr. Johnson, our managing director.

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在家里的时候中国总裁们有女佣照顾起居。Back home, Chinese managers have housemaids.

这周我们宣布了一位公司新总裁。This week we announced a president of Xerox.

炉有限公司总裁,埃里克阿斯特同意。Eric Astor, president of Furnace MFG, agrees.

李总裁亲自修改了合同草案。CEO Li has revised the contract draft himself.

我是大卫·修蒙,这家公司的总裁。I am David Schwimmer president of this company.

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我很荣幸向你们介绍你们的新总裁。It is my pleasure to present your new president.

梦工厂动画总裁佩蒂·柏克同意此点。DreamWorks Animation President Patti Burke agrees.

他挖来百事总裁为苹果打工。He got the President of PepsiCo to work for Apple.