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法国曾是个农业国。France once was an agricultural country.

难道这是让一个农业国走向城市化必须的吗?Is this necessary to urbanize a rural country?

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中国一向被列为农业国。China has always been classed as an agricultural country.

哈萨克斯坦是一个农业国。Kazakhstan had an overwhelmingly agricultural-based economy.

在这个农业国几乎没有机械化。There appears to be little mechanisation in this rural area.

因为从古至今,中国一直是个农业国。Because we used to be an agricultural country for such a long time.

我国脱胎于半殖民地、半封建的农业国。Born Out of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal agricultural country.

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社会经济极待恢复柬埔寨是一个农业国。Socioeconomy extremely wait for restoring Kampuchea is an agricultural country.

作为自由劳动力的来源,大型家庭是农业国人们的首选。Large families are preferred in agricultural countries as a source of free labor.

该国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国。That country is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country.

这些国家属于农业国,农业国需要肥沃的土地和宜人的气候。These countries are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate.

然而,中国是农业国,现代工业少之又少,城市无产阶级寥寥无几。But China was an overwhelmingly agrarian land with little modern industry and only a tiny urban working class.

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时至2010年,美国依然是世界第二大制造国和第三大农业国。As of 2010, the United States was the second-largest manufacturer in the world, and the No. 3 agricultural nation.

1971年的孟加拉是一个依赖外援的农业国,人口激增但几乎没有任基础设施。In 1971, Bangladesh was an agricultural, aid-dependent nation with an exploding population and almost no infrastructure.

中国是个农业国,目前正在逐步实践着农业的现代化与工业化革新。China is an agricultural country. It's implementing modernization and industrialization reformation of its agriculture step by step.

他说,“阿富汗是农业国,你怎么反对给人以种子、化肥和市场销售的计划呢?”“The country’s an agricultural country, and how do you attack programs which give people seed and fertilizer and market access?” he said.

韩国在短短的几十年里由一个农业国变成了一个新兴的工业化国家,经济总量居亚洲第三。Korea became a newly industrialized nation from an agricultural one just in a dozen of years and its GDP now is in the third place in Asia.

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遭受战争破坏的农业国转变为有着完备的社会福利制度、技术发达的市场经济国家。The war-ravaged agrarian country was transformed into a technologically advanced market economy with a sophisticated social welfare system.

它赋予农业国的农民以重要的革命角色,而“先锋队”的概念,赋予“觉悟”的知识分子以历史性的作用,因而具有极大的号召力。And the concept of the "vanguard" party, which assigned a decisive historical role to the "consciousness" of the intelligentsia, had enormous appeal.

中国是个落后的农业国,出口初级产品是必然的选择,农副产品出口是获致国际购买力的主要途径。It was the reasons about that China couldn't develop the export substitution. As a poor agriculture country, China who exported primary was the only way.