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艾普,五角大楼!Epps, Pentagon!

五角大楼发言人拉潘当天说。Pentagon spokesman Lapan said the same day.

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在美国五角大楼,它被称为“牢骚鬼”。It is called ‘a grumbler’ in the US Pentagon.

如果你袭击了五角大楼,你就别想重见天日。If you attack the Pentagon, you might want to hide.

一群人在五角大楼四周围成一圈。A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon.

但是据他透露,五角大楼的高层人员改变了他的想法。But the Pentagon higher-ups, he says, changed his mind.

奥巴马总统是在五角大楼纪念地说这番话的。The president made his remarks at the Pentagon Memorial.

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白宫和五角大楼大概就不至于被搅得鸡飞狗跳了。The White House and the Pentagon would have barely stirred.

但是,好几个非洲其它国家也急切地想要得到五角大楼的垂青。But several other African countries are keen to bid for it too.

三年后,五角大楼仍在清理这些机器。The Pentagon is still disinfecting machines, three years later.

好样的!需要有人在五角大楼的那帮恐怖分子前站出来了。Good! someone has to stand up to these terrorists from Pentagon.

五角大楼的记帐簿大约和安然公司的记帐簿一样灵活易变没有准。Pentagon bookkeeping is about as flexible as Enron’s bookkeeping.

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另外一架则撞上位于弗吉尼亚州阿林顿的五角大楼。Another aircraft crashed into The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.

他占据了五角大楼最外层E环的最大的办公室。He occupies the largest office on the Pentagon’s outermost E-ring.

在九个三十八个,美国航空公司77号航班袭击五角大楼。At nine thirty-eight, American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.

但五角大楼却宣布这些数字被极大低估了。However, the Pentagon says these figures are grossly underreported.

哦,萨克斯承认,五角大楼已经在试图招募她。Well, admitted Saxe, the Pentagon is already trying to recruit her.

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他发现,美国的军人们在前线浴血作战,而五角大楼内部却没有战斗的迹象。He found that the military was at war but that the Pentagon was not.

五角大楼的一份新报告说中国已经朝这个方向迈进。A new Pentagon report says China is already headed in that direction.

然而五角大楼的官员却说他们相信他还在利比亚。Pentagon officials, however, said they believed he remained in Libya.