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迈克喜爱孩子,一视同仁。Mike loved kids-all kids.

死神不问贫富,一视同仁。Death is no respecter of wealth.

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上帝对任何人都一视同仁。God or Life is no respecter of persons.

诗神并不一视同仁地赐予所有诗人以灵感。The Muse does not inspire all poets equally.

我们要一视同仁,像对待自己国家的犯人一样对待他们。Just as much as you do for criminals in this country.

天地不情感用事,对万物一视同仁。Heaven and earth do not act emotional, of all things equally.

新法规对在同一公司工作的人不一视同仁。The new law discriminates between people employed in the same firm.

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书的厚度一视同仁,以不感到舒适为宜。Equal the thickness of the book, to not feel comfortable appropriate.

管理层可能将较少的工件与较少的原则一视同仁。The management probably equates fewer artifacts with less discipline.

欧盟各国对外商投资企业几乎没有限制,对内外企业一视同仁。They treat domestic and foreign investment enterprises in the same way.

我说,我还太年轻,难以理解上帝为什么不一视同仁。I say I am yet too young to understand that God is any respecter of person.

我们对所有的冲突的受害者一视同仁,不论他们属于哪一方。we treat all victims of the conflict equally, no matter what side they're on.

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它在诉状中说,该法未一视同仁地对待宗教和非宗教人士。It argues that the law does not treat religious and nonreligious people equally.

他的善良宽宏的心胸一视同仁地拥抱亲戚,朋友,客人和依靠他生活的人。His large, gracious heart embraced alike relatives, friends, guests and dependants.

也许是因为孟买主张财富、世俗的梦想和对外一视同仁的开放。Perhaps because Mumbai stands for lucre, profane dreams and an indiscriminate openness.

处理这个事情,他不论尊卑一视同仁。When dealing with this matter, he disregarded social status and treated everyone equally.

只要有唐人街的城市,芝加哥啊,后来的纽约城啊这些,我都一视同仁地兴趣缺缺。I was equally uninterested in Chicago and, later, New York, cities with actual China Towns.

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转校申请的过程对每个申请者一视同仁,无论你是否为国际学生。Thee transfer application process is the same for every applicant ? domestic or international.

网路中立意指互联网服务厂商对于所有网路流量应秉持一视同仁的态度。Net-neutrality is the idea that internet service providers should treat all web traffic equally.

发展商开出的代理条件和佣金制度,是不论大小代理行全部一视同仁。Acting developers of the conditions and the commission system is both full- size correspondent bank.