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传教福音。He evangelizes the gospel.

传教目的并不在此。Missions is not that goal.

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假定狐狸传教,公鸡便该沉思。When the fox preaches, the cock should ponder.

我们必须策励教友传教的工作。We need to motivate members to do missionary work.

他们在英国各地进行福音传教活动。They conducted evangelistic missions around Britain.

对于一位忙着传教的人,他已经是一流的了。If one is busy in preaching work that is first-class.

我的祖父在电视上看传教士传教。My grandfather listens to the preachers on television.

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他特别敬重作家和传教师。He particularly reverenced the writer and the preacher.

于阗被认为是作为传教的基地的最好选择。Khotan was considered well placed as a mission station.

有些国家的政府禁止我们传教。The governments of some countries forbid us to proselyte.

城里乡下传教工作在扩展。施洗礼。Work is growing in the town and in the country. Baptisms.

约一九○○年代明信片,由法国外方传教会发行。Circa 1900s postcard issued by the Paris Foreign Missions Society.

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我们不准备这样的传教使徒声威。We do not prepare ourselves for this kind of missionary apostolate.

我们不需要演讲或写作向人们传教,我们只能用我们的生活向人们传教。We do not need to proselytise either by our speech or by our writing.

壁上,塔柱上面,雕刻有释迦牟尼佛传教事。Wall, above Tower, a sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha do missionary work.

不许她们拥有辖管男人的领导权,或传教权威。They can't have any leadership authority or teaching authority over a man.

上帝只有一个圣子,他被派到人间做了一名传教医生。God had but one Son, and he was sent into the world to be a mission doctor.

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他传教的历程在帝国铺下了基督教的基础。His missionary journeys laid the foundations of Christianity in the Empire.

印第安人,西班牙传教,墨西哥农场,加州独立,淘金潮。History-Indians, Spanish missions, Mexican ranchos, independence, gold rush.

基督教在华医疗事业是其传教事业的重要组成部分。Medical missionary enterprise was an important part of Christian enterprise.