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我得到了很多哀怜。I got a lot of pity.

这是你的哀怜派对。It's your pity party.

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他是一个哀怜的身段矮小的人。He is a miserable little person.

阿谁哀怜的妇女又生了一个宝宝。The poor woman had a third baby.

生活对悠长的哀怜总是是不足的。Life is too short for long pity parties.

让哀怜的种子在你心里暗长。Root pity in thy heart that when it grows.

最值得哀怜的浪费乃是对一个好意见的浪费!The most tragic waste is the waste of a good idea!

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我妹妹总是哀怜无家可归的猫或狗。My sister always takes pity on some stray cats or dogs.

如果孩子在哀怜的环境中生活,他们学会感到自怜。If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

她先是吃惊地望着我,然后发出一声令人哀怜的叫喊,冲过来用她的小手拉住我。Then she gave a most piteous cry, and running to me, she began to pull at me with her little hands.

多么哀怜啊,大多数目前世界上最强大的国家人从来没有吃过比萨,还把它和电视机上告张悟本减肥白的垃圾食物搞混。What a pity that most Bmericans have never eaten pizza and confuse it for the junk food advertised on television.

裹着灰烬的雨水落向你那哀怜的脑袋,你将知道天国之声已讲话,你已不再有机会赎罪。Ashes will rain upon your sorry heads and you will know that heaven's voice have spoken and redemption is no more.

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不残杀丧失战斗力的敌人并哀怜它的伤病人员,这是为了表示仁爱。They did not exhaust the incapable and had sympathy for the wounded and sick, thereby showing what is benevolence.

安提约古心中也很难受,深表哀怜,回想死者的贤能端庄,不禁泪下。Antiochus therefore was grieved in his mind for Onias, and being moved to pity, shed tears, remembering the sobriety and modesty of the deceased.

福尔摩斯先生,”他啜泣道,转过哀怜的惨白脸庞,对着福尔摩斯,“我想要您用您的智慧帮帮我,帮我解释这一谜团。Mr. Bones, " he sobbed, turning his piteous white face to Thinlock, "this is where I want your great intellect to help me, to aid me and explain this mystery.

哀怜的手指扫除了她们苍白的脸上的积雪,两个死女人的脸上都是静穆的容颜,谁也认不出哪一个是曾经堕落的娼妇。And when pitying fingers brushed the snow from their wan faces, you could scarcely have told from the equal peace that dwelt upon them, which was she that had sinned.

“我”沉浸在自己的创作当中,“你”的咳嗽声打动了我,让人哀怜、让人慨叹,于是,原本是欢乐的曲子演变成了“一首悲歌”。" I" immersed in their own composition, " you" cough touched me, let people to pity, let person sigh with regret, therefore, that is the joy of music evolved into" a sad song".