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我婶婶那时已经瞎了。My aunt was blind by then.

那是照片上的卢佩婶婶。Aunt Lupe of the photographs.

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叔叔和婶婶我们是一家。Anty & uncle, we are a family.

或许是个祖父母,抑或是一个婶婶这样说?Perhaps a grandparent or an aunt?

而且,她那时候和她婶婶一起住,And she was staying with her aunt,

我的童年是和婶婶度过的。I spent my childhood with my aunt.

我的叔叔和婶婶住在温哥华。My aunt and uncle live in Vancouver.

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你要去看望你的叔叔和婶婶吧?Do you plan to visit your aunt and uncle?

他决定还是再给婶婶最后一个机会。He decided to give his aunt one last chance.

亨利叔叔,埃姆婶婶,别让她带走托托。Uncle Henry, Auntie Em, don't let her take Toto.

她是大超叔叔和梅萍婶婶的女儿。We get together with my aunts, uncles and cousins.

我亲爱的婶婶给我织了一个漂亮的床罩。My great aunt crocheted a beautiful bedspread for me.

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我婶婶住在乡下的一间茅草屋里。My aunt lives in a pretty thatched cottage in the country.

为了救婶婶,李逍遥前往仙灵岛去求取灵丹妙药。To treat his auntie, he went to Xianling Island to find drug.

她的婶婶最初来到这里的时候,还很年轻,是个美丽的新嫁娘。When Aunt Em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife.

她的婶婶在娱乐行业工作,住在SOHO。who works in the entertainment industry and she lives in SoHo.

他在叔叔和婶婶的300英亩庄园里度过许多假日。He spent holidays at the 300-acre estate of his aunt and uncle.

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我不可以痛打马奇婶婶,所以我只好随她怎么叫。I can't thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it.

这就是他和你的贝蒂婶婶,你的堂兄妹,西蒙和露西。There he is with your Aunt Betty, and your cousins, Simon and Lucy.

当我问德茜是否看到奶奶和维拉婶婶的时候,她点了点头。Dasey nodded when I asked her if she could see Nanna and Auntie Vera.