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善行会有幸福酬报。Good deeds are rewarded by happiness.

这就是他们对行会战争和星战的反击?This is their answer to SWTOR and Guild Wars 2?

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默认条件下,一个部分的行会被标上黄色。By default, a partial line is colored in yellow.

幻象行会在该隔离级出现。Phantom rows can appear with this isolation level.

第三,行会负责组织工作。Third, work was organised around the guilds system.

如果选取这个选项,新行会自动缩排。When selected, new lines are automatically indented.

布用多磕-人们到月球妹行会变瓷常禁的事了。Soon will be commonplace for people to travel to the moon.

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遇到这种情况,发卡行会提供信用卡紧急援助。In this case, the lenders offer credit card emergency assistance.

哈萨辛大师行会是狞笑和死亡的渊薮。The Master Hashashim's' Guild house is a den of delights and death.

选取这个选项时,新行会自动缩排。When this option is selected, new lines are automatically indented.

前线的陶君行会从一张独立名单参选。The Frontier's Andrew To Kwan-hang will be listed on a separate ticket.

当然,能结伴而行会很幸福,有人帮助分担重负。Of course, its nice if wetravel with some one who can help lighten the load.

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如果你在直道和高速路上滑行会省下一大笔油钱。You can save a lot of money and fuel if you coast on straights and freeways.

此外,贵行会不会代客保管股票及转让证书?。Besides, will your bank help clients to keep shares and transfer certificates?

克隆人战争前,商业行会牢牢控制着这些人口中心。Before the Clone Wars, the Commerce Guild firmly held these population centers.

行会可以实行民主主义,无政府主义,极权主义,或其他类型的政府。Guilds can be democratic, anarchistic, totalitarian, or some other type of government.

他的家族属于一个有二、三百人的制灯笼者的行会,现在行会已被迫遣散。His family belonged to a fraternity of 200-300 lantern-makers, now forcibly dispersed.

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舍伍德大师行会能够明显提高城邑中弓箭部队作战能力。Master Woodsmen's Guild notably improves the quality of archers recruited from the region.

中世纪的行会制度实行了对大多数工艺操作的严格结构化管理。In medi times, the guild system imposed a rigorous structure on the practice of most crafts.

别的行会将会根据你的政府和义举来出资建立商店。Other guilds will offer to set p shop in your cities depending on the govenor and your actions.