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入地铁后,见到的一位老太。The old woman in the subway.

什么字母对于耳背的老太尤其珍贵?What letter is most precious for a deaf old lady?

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九询老太为何,落死街头?The old lady why nine inquiries, drop dead street?

今年92岁的孙家香老太,也与故事为伍。And 92-year-old Sun Jiaxiang also is involved in stories.

其间,洪老太送给志忠一块地,作为增资之用。Meanwhile, Old Madam Hong gives Zhizhong a piece of land.

而一个70岁的老太有可能再活10到30年。A 70-year-old woman would likely to live another 10 to 30 years.

一位差点成为受害者的81岁老太用枪赶跑了入侵者。An 81-year-old would-be victim chased the intruder off with a gun.

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他认为他的外婆和美国疯狂的老太一样可爱。He thinks his grandma is also cute as some american crazy grandma.

他儿子告诉我,至少温老太的反应看来很正面,现在亦很乐意与他人沟通。Wun now look more positive and are willing to communicate with others.

坐在他身旁的是位两鬓斑白的老太,看上去像他的娘。Sitting beside him was a white-haired woman who looked like his mother.

在苏州一条粉墙黛瓦的老街上,住着一个出生名门的九旬老太和她六十多岁的保姆。On an old Suzhou street, lives an old lady in her nineties with her nanny.

肯德基里有对老头老太,正小心翼翼地把汉堡和薯条分成两份。An elderly couple goes to KFC, where they carefully split a burger and fries.

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没有人会因岁月的流逝而衰老,却因有人抛弃理想而老太龙钟。Nobody grows old merely by a number of years we grow old by deserting our ideals.

同时,蕙心和洪老太的关系也因为明明的事件而有所改善。Meanwhile, Old Madan Hong and Huixin establish good relationship after Mingming's case.

世贤决定辞去董事长的职位,由洪老太接任。Shixian resigns as the chairman of board and asks Old Madam Hong to take over the post.

白家的日子更加过不下去了,白老太同儿子、儿媳商量卖房。White House day more had not bottom go to, white with old son, daughter-in-law to sell.

老太静静地坐在长条凳上,背靠着墙壁,笑眯眯地望着他。The old lady sat quietly in the bar stool, leaned back against the wall, smiling at him.

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2008年,一位七旬老太摔倒在重庆市南坪东路星宇花园门口的人行道上。In 2008, A elder woman fell into the sidewalk in Xingyu garden Nanping E. Road Chongqing.

一位71岁的老太从不知道自己其实是犹太人,还是她的一个婶婶查到了当年事情的始末,并告诉她了真相,她方才得知。A 71-year-old woman never knew she was Jewish until an aunt tracked her down and told her.

在那里。他们很孤独,所以小老太决定用臭奶酪做一个人出来。There they were lonely, so the little old lady decided to make a man out of stinky cheese.