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于是他踩下油门。Hence he trampled accelerator.

我这时将油门从加力状态下收回。I bring the throttles out of AB.

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两个驾驶舱使用相同的油门杆。The cockpits use the same throttle.

他开始抬脚,离开油门。He lifted his foot off the accelerator.

美联储还不收油门——收得不多。The Fed still didn't throttle back -- much.

固态软制动时,油门是小康。Solid state soft-brake when throttle is off.

她踩油门,但汽车开不动。She stepped on the gas but the car didn't budge.

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重新提速,您只需再一次踏下油门。To get back up to speed, just hit the gas again.

这种全油门的方式,可你的费用。That kind of full-throttle approach can cost you.

她踩下油门踏板,使引擎隆隆作响。She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.

她怒气冲冲地回到她那辆又大又笨的运动型多用车上,加大了油门。She huffs back to her hulking SUV, revs the engine.

当他松开油门后,它空转得简直就像玻璃板一样平滑。When he let go of the throttle, it idled like glass.

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慢慢地驾驶,小心地踩油门或刹车。Drive slowly, going easy on the gas and brake pedals.

刹车在左边,油门在右边!The brake is on the left. The gas pedal is on the right.

她伸手去摸油门钥匙,心都跳到嗓子眼上来了。Her heart hammered in her throat as she felt for the key.

在拉好机头仰角的同时,我把油门退出军用推力开始减速。With the nose set, I come out of MIL power and slow down.

他跑到驾驶的位置,跳了进去,踩了油门。He hurried to the driver's side, jumped in and floored it.

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丹踩下油门,离开了现场,并没能够珍妮特。Dan steps on the gas, leaving the scene, and Janet, behind.

油门踩下责任先,车轮一转慎安全。The first step is to turn the wheel, and the wheel is safe.

中秋节油门将车停在四在中间高度。Mid-throttle will park the quad at an intermediate altitude.