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三生有幸爱上你,一生一世曲未央。To love you for life, song weiyang.

今天能跟你谈话真是咱三生有幸。It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.

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当今能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。It is a privilege to be talking to you nowadays.

让你求婚的女士其实都三生有幸。Any lady would be fortunate to be courted by you.

听她唱歌真是三生有幸。Part 7. It was a great privilege to hear her sing.

三生有幸握素手,百年修得共白头。To hold the hand, one hundred to mend altogether hoary head.

如果你能得到这样的礼物,那真叫三生有幸,也会幸福一生。If you get it, you will be very lucky and happy for your life.

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感谢你能来枉顾小店,小弟真是三生有幸!Thank you for visiting my shop, it makes me feel very honored!

一个月亮一个你,二个影子我和你,三生有幸认识你,四个西施不如你!A moon one of you, I have two shadows and you know your luck, the four beauties as you!

他觉得自己得以瞻仰了一位世界上真正伟大的人物,确实是三生有幸。It seemed to him unquestionable that fortuitously he had been permitted to look upon one of the world's really great men.

认识各位网友实在是三生有幸,大家时常评论我的文章,有些评论很有趣,有些很感人,有些很实用,有些激发了我的灵感,另外一些则使我受益匪浅。I have such a good time getting to know you and hearing the funny, touching, inspiring, practical, helpful comments you share.

能吃到这顿让陆文夫笔下那位嗜吃如命的“美食家”所爱,又让笔下那位死板的党干部所恨的盛宴,我真是三生有幸。I was satisfied that this was a meal that would have pleased Lu Wenfu's gluttonous gourmet and outraged his starchy communist.

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当然,这些论文,亦应归功于许多声望卓著之合作者们。余三生有幸,得与他们合作,并受教良多。Of course, these papers owe a lot to the many prestigious co-authors I have been lucky to collaborate with in my career and who taught me so much.

而如果欧元不经调整就再度大幅上升并突破加速通道的上边线则是开创了技术上的先河,我们能参与其中也算三生有幸。If not adjusted to the euro surged again accelerated and breakthroughs on the sideline channel is created a technical ground, we can also count Sanshengweinie involved.

下面给个直截了当的例子,请做好心理准备作业里,可能会遇到这种题,或者说,各位如果三生有幸,考试中也会,出现类似的题目。Let's do a straightforward example the way that you could expect it on an assignment or, if you were extraordinarily lucky you might even get something like that on an exam.

临行前,我曾高兴的对同事说,这次有机会领略梦寐以求的高原风情,实在是三生有幸。Before walking, I was once glad to say to the colleague , had an opportunity to have a taste of the plateau conditions and customs in dream and sleep this time, really consider oneself most fortunate.