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子宫破裂的首要原因是胎位性难产,其次为疤痕破裂。The first reason for uterine ruptures is fetal dystocia.

临床胎位倒转术必须在轻度的局部麻醉下由临床医生来施行。Clinical version must be administered by a clinician with a mild topical anaesthetic.

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如果就因为我们都倾向于呈胎位睡觉,就说睡觉引起的手机肘,那就太搞了。Since we all tend to sleep in the fetal position, to say sleeping causes it, that's absurd.

艾艾贴艾灸至阴穴,可以纠正胎位,解除怀孕妈妈烦恼。AI moxibustion Zhiyin paste, can correct the fetal position, lift the pregnant mother worry.

枕前通常是胎儿最易经过产妇骨盆的胎位。Occiput anterior is usually the easiest position for the fetal head to traverse the maternal pelvis.

枕前通常是胎儿最易通过产妇骨盆的胎位。Occiput anterior is usually the easiest position for the fetal head to traverse the maternal pelvis.

胎位异常多在孕期检查时被发现。The position of the fetus are exceptionally many when the gestation period inspection was discovered.

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胎儿太大不能顺利通过,并且母亲骨盆扁平导致胎位横向。Babies who are too big to come through, and Mothers with flat pelvises that favor a transverse delivery.

这种胎位将使产程拉长,令妳在分娩期间背痛,可能更需要辅助生产。This position will make the process longer, your pain in childbirth, may need more auxiliary production.

她发现,杰西卡蜷缩在胎儿胎位问题与所有她的脸和身体。What she found was Jessica curled up in the fetal position with fetal matter all over her face and body.

围产儿主要死因顺序为胎位异常,窒息,畸形,早产和病理妊娠等。The main causes in sequence were abnormal position of the fetus, asphyxia, monstrum, premature labor, and pathological pregnancy.

不过实际上,孕妇肚子在怀孕期间的形状及高度是取决于孕妇腹肌的紧实度及腹中胎儿的胎位。Actually, the shape and height of a woman' belly during pregnancy is determined by her muscle tone and the position the baby is in.

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光盘里还有一些孕妇瑜伽的练习教程,侧重讲如何通过运动纠正胎位,以及通过运动和呼吸法练习减轻分娩痛苦。There is part of pregnant woman yoga in the CD. It teach us how to correct placental position and how to relieve labor pain from doing sports.

结果下生殖道感染、宫颈机能不全、胎位异常、早产流产史是胎膜早破的主要病因。Results Infection, dysfunctional of cervix uteri, abnormal fatal position, history of abortion or premature delivery were the main causes for PROM.

方法对86例早产胎膜早破进行回顾性分析。比较不同孕周对围生儿结局的影响。结果主要诱因为胎位异常及双胎等因素造成宫腔内压力改变。Methods To review and analyze 86 cases of Preterm Premature Rupture of membranes, and compared the impact of different pregnant periods on pregnant results.

结果双胎妊娠妊娠期、产时和产后并发症多于单胎妊娠,胎位是决定分娩方式的主要因素。Results Twin pregnancy had more complications than singleton during in labor and puerperuim Conclusions Antenatal care should be enhanced in twin pregnancy.

症状比较缓和羊水过多的孕妇,常井发妊振高血压疾病和胎位异常。The symptom comparison relaxes the polyhydramnios the pregnant woman, Chang Jingfa pregnants inspires hypertension disease and the position of the fetus is unusual.

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太不可思议了,因为这种胎位下,小牛通常会因脖子的大幅扭曲和母牛的强力收缩窒息而死。It was unexpected because calves in this position are usually dead, asphyxiated by the acute flexion of the neck and the pressure of the dam's powerful contractions.

结果头盆不称、胎位异常、早产流产史、生殖器炎症是胎膜早破主要病因。Results Cephalopelvic disproportion, abnormal position of fetus, history of premature birth and abortion, inflammation of reproductive organs were the most factors of PROM.