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一些用户也有怨言。Some consumers have gripes as well.

他们手起了泡,可是没有一个人有怨言。Their hands blistered . but no one complained.

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虽疲于奔命,但大家都毫无怨言。Although lampoon, but everybody have no complaint.

所以就是说如果坐板凳你也不会有怨言?。So no complaints if you end up coming off the bench?

与范甘迪共事,你很难产生什么怨言。Van Gundy and work hard to produce what you complain.

但杉木并无半句怨言,虚心接受批评。But no half other complaints, fir to accept criticism.

在自己帐棚内发怨言,不听耶和华的声音。They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the Lord.

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对他没有半句怨言,真的很尊敬他。She never mentioned any grudge and really respected him.

她恨透了马德兰伯伯,但是不出怨言。She deeply hated Father Madeleine, but made no complaint.

那仆人毫无怨言地接受解雇。The servant accepted his dismissal without any complaint.

不过心里很美,没有怨言,没有抱怨!However beautiful heart, no have earful, does not complain!

无论何往,不出怨言,随主脚踪一路行。I will go without a murmur, And His footsteps follow still.

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当然,萨内蒂对MBA的这种怨言并不少见。Of course, Zanetti's complaint about the MBA is hardly new.

丈夫开始有怨言,想改种果树。The husband begins to have complaint, think replant fruiter.

农民开始有怨言,进而落草为寇。He began to grumble. From grumbling, he passed into banditry.

就当是毫无怨言地在承受这个肉体上的罚款。If not, well, I accept the physical penalty without complaint.

而且为了国家,他们会毫无怨言地服从。And they will do so uncomplainingly for the good of the nation.

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当美国证交委施加这些限制时,曾引起很多怨言。There was much grumbling when the SEC imposed these conditions.

妻子对我做错的事大发怨言。My wife gaudio-videoe me an earful of things Iwoulm doing wrong.

要求雇员们逐一说明他们的怨言和苦情。The employees were asked to detail their complains and grievances.