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我欢欣雀跃地宣布。I joyously announced.

那匹马一路雀跃。The horse was capering along.

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她为额外的奖金而雀跃不已。She was thrilled with the extra bonus.

雀跃,也不再象姑娘们,在鬓发间。My hair no longer bounds to my foot's glee.

我想看看褪去羞涩后的她欢欣雀跃时的一面。I wanted to see her unabashed expression of joy.

我在我的坐骑上雀跃,今夜我将启程。I'm jumpin' in my ride, I'm heading out tonight.

同学们十分雀跃地享受合球。The students enjoy very good time with Korfball.

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我看不久的将来,新的罗曼史会使你雀跃不已。I think a new romance will rev you up in the future.

能够顺利滑到底部的人都雀跃不已。Riders sliding smoothly to the bottom jumped with joy.

那个小男孩唱着自己最喜欢的歌,雀跃不已。The boy jumped up and down, singing his favorite song.

每个人都异常的兴奋,欢舞雀跃。Everybody was happy and very exciting. It was very lively.

原因就是这是一部黑色喜剧,我想这足以让我雀跃不已了。The fact that it was a black comedy really got me excited.

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小女孩穿著新衣在屋里雀跃。The little girl pranced about the room in her new clothes.

这些问题并没有侵犯性,于是我都雀跃的回答了。These questions were not intrusive, so I answered happily.

你们完全有理由为你们的成功感到雀跃!You totally feel for your success that gambol justifiedly!

能够在此刻成为玛克雅的亚洲会员确实是令人雀跃的机会!It truly is an amazing time to be a Maakao IBO in the Asian market!

当他被释放的时候,是否会在大街上雀跃呢?But when he is released from jail, does he cut capers in the street?

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月光下,急溅起泡沫,午夜里欢乐,白天里雀跃。Into the starlight, rushing in spray, happy at midnight, happy by day.

一群孩子雀跃着玩耍时,卡莉不会参与进去。When groups of children congregate to play, Callie does not join them.

她雀跃地走向我们,同时宣布她即将要结婚了。She waltzed over to us and announced that she was going to get married.