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为了保护环境,我们应该尽量减少使用塑料袋。In order to protect the environment, we should try to reduce the use of plastic bags.

我们每天努力工作,为了实现更美好的未来。We work hard every day in order to achieve a better future.

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为了提高服务质量,公司决定进行员工培训。In order to improve service quality, the company has decided to conduct employee training.

她放弃了自己的事业,为了照顾年迈的父母。She gave up her own career in order to take care of her elderly parents.

我们必须采取行动,为了防止类似事件再次发生。We must take action in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

为了更好地理解这个概念,我会举例说明。In order to better understand this concept, I will provide examples.

为了促进国际合作,我们需要加强跨国交流。In order to promote international cooperation, we need to strengthen cross-border exchanges.

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他们不惜一切代价,为了实现自己的梦想。They spared no effort in order to achieve their dreams.

为了鼓励员工创新,公司设立了奖励机制。In order to encourage employee innovation, the company has established a reward system.

为了确保活动顺利进行,我们需要做好充分准备。In order to ensure the smooth running of the event, we need to make adequate preparations.