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你必须正视现实。You must envisage realities.

正视它,我们才会活的坦然!Face it, we will live in calm!

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陈翔哥哥,正视你的敌人吧!Chenxiang brother, face your enemies!

对这因难我们必须正视,必须忍受。We must face the trouble and bear it.

我一直如此盲目,不能正视爱情已远逝。I've been so blind, couldn't see for love no.

正视恐惧,直到你感到窘迫为止。Confront the fear until you become distressed.

在中国,人们很是正视讲礼貌。In China, there is alot of emphasis on politeness.

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驾驶时须戴眼镜或矫正视力的镜片。To wear glasses or corrective lenses when driving.

我们必须正视我们恳比赛失利这一事实。We must face the fact that we might lose the game.

当你正视了害怕,它们便如轻烟般消失了。When you face your fears, they will vanish like smoke.

她必须正视她已不再年轻这一事实。She must face upto the fact that she is no longer young.

大胆地正视这一局面需要很大的勇气。It takes a great deal of courage to face the situation bravely.

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所以,IFAD提出强烈建议,政府应该鼓励农民正视风险。So governments should help farmers face up to risk, argues IFAD.

在死亡来临时,要紧牙关,坚定目光,正视死亡。Grit your teeth, fix your gaze, and observe death at this moment.

甘默林将军没有用无情的现实主义正视这一问题。This issue was not faced in its brutal realism by General Gamelin.

他们在一定程度上缺少那种正视灾难的尊严气派。They lacked, in a certain measure, the majesty of their misfortune.

那个妖精在发抖,不敢正视高高在上的那双红眼睛。The goblin was trembling, unable to meet the red eyes high above his.

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我们应该认真总结经验,发扬成绩,正视困难、坚定信念,继续奋进。We should face any difficulties and firm our faith to keep improving.

正视自己,若是需要帮助,一定要开口相求。Be honest with yourself, if you need help staying on track ask for it.

你必须正视所有压力,不能逃避,更不能抱怨。You must face up to all the pressure, cant escape, more cant complain.