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“俯视”的意思就是从高处往下看。Fushi" means to look down at".

他俯视着盐商街。He looked down into Salter street.

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一棵高耸的松树俯视全景。A tall pine dominated the landscape.

城堡呈威压之势俯视原野。The castle frowned down upon the field.

这不仅仅是俯视San,Narciso的那个宗教瞬间。And this has this religious sense to it.

我俯视洋洲山川。I overlook oceans, mountains and rivers.

如果爱情像座山,那么男人越往上走可以俯视的女人就越多If love is a mountain, then if men go up

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“俯视”的意思就是从高处往下看。Fushi" means to look down at, or overlook."

他是在俯视谷的一个宽壁架。He was on a wide ledge overlooking the valley.

俯视大地飞影惊魂。Overlooking the land of flying Christmas video.

从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄。Eg. The house on the hill overlooks the village.

伟大的君王们正从星星上俯视我们。The great kings look down on us from those stars.

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从我们的阳台上就可以俯视城市花园。We can overlook the city garden from our balcony.

雕像用一双盲眼俯视着他们。The statue stared down at them with sightless eyes.

从飞机上俯视远处可以看到伦敦的万家灯火。Far below the plane we could see the lights of London.

从邻居的阳台居高临下可以俯视我家的花园。Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour's balcony.

章多是一个平坦的高原,俯视克节朗河。Tsangdhar is a flat plateau dominating the Namkha chu.

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一对在巡逻的时候另外一个在高空俯视。A pair on patrol and one at high altitude on overwatch.

黎巴嫩的葡萄酒业可追溯至4,000年前,推荐您在一家可以俯视酒庄的餐厅吃午饭。Have lunch at the restaurant overlooking the vineyards.

俯视古希腊罗马旧址的广场遗迹,阿波罗尼亚。Overhead of Agora ruins at Greek-Roman site, Apollonia.