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我们非常喜欢新的蝰蛇设计。We like the design of Viper overall.

蝰蛇是它们最怕的掠食者。Saw-scale vipers are their most feared predators.

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在英国最常见的蛇是蝰蛇。By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder.

蝰蛇钉刺现在会每秒3恢复9点集中值。Viper Sting will now restore 9 Focus every 3 seconds.

这一次我们算是见识到什么叫做锯状鳞片蝰蛇。This one showed us why it was called saw scaled viper.

但刺猬听到的声音是同样在狩猎的蝰蛇。The sound hedgehog's picked up is Saw-scale, also on the hunt!

我从石头下面捉出一条长角的毒蝰蛇来,让它咬我。I took a horned adder from beneath a stone and let it sting me.

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蝰蛇在英国也是唯一一种有毒的蛇。The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite.

你知道鼓腹毒蛇和加彭蝰蛇之间的区别吗?Do you know the difference between a puff adder and a gaboon viper?

这张特写显示了非洲最大的毒蛇——加蓬蝰蛇警惕的眼睛。A close-up shows the watchful eye of a Gaboon viper, Africa's largest viper.

1998年,回到队蝰蛇勒芒在实践中建立新的纪录。In 1998, Team Viper returned to Le Mans to set new track records in practice.

在蝰蛇之外,什么才是让治疗迅速OOM的最好途径呢?逼他治疗。What's the best way to OOM a healer aside from Viper Sting? Force him to heal.

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改进型的N-001VE雷达可同时控制两枚蝰蛇进行交火。The improved N-001 VE can control a simultaneous engagement with two RVV-AE missiles.

他镇定地拿出他的捕蛇棒,按照之前所描述的步骤很快的将这条蝰蛇捕捉到袋子里。Calmly, he reached his snake stick and the viper soon joined his companion in the bag.

那天早上他被蝰蛇咬到脚后,就直接送到了安达曼。After a bandy bite on the foot early that morning, he is being taken straight to the Jaddaman.

远方的抓扒声吸引它的注意,但它听到的声音是同样在狩猎的蝰蛇。A distant scratching noise attracts his attention, but the sound he's picked up is Saw-scale, also on the hunt!

睫毛蝰蛇在中美洲和南美洲土生土长,并有着各种颜色,其中包括令人震惊的黄色。Eyelash vipers are indigenous to Central and South America and come in a variety of colors, including shocking yellow.

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我们驾驶着电动车在清晨从巴特那市出发去收集蝰蛇来采集它们身上的毒液。We set out on motor bike at dawn from the city of Patna to collect vipers so that they could be milked for their venom.

如果被蝰蛇咬了一口,人们经常会误以为只是蚊虫叮咬,直到接踵而来的剧痛,受害者才会明白过来。Often an adder bite goes unnoticed or is confused with an insect sting until the ensuing pain gets the victim’s attention.

另外在对手已经近身的情况下,蝰蛇也将能通过近战攻击回蓝。We are also going to let Viper return mana from melee attacks for those cases where a melee opponent is too close for comfort.