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那就是评注的工作。That's what exegesis does.

有些人边读书边作评注。Some people annotate as they read.

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他在页边加了评注。He inserted a comment in the margin.

被子植物分类系统介绍和评注。Dahlgren's system of classification of the angiosperms.

在评注课上我们不在乎真伪。We don't care if it's true or not in an exegesis class.

论述评注性状语可能采用的语法形式。Discuss various grammatical forms that disjuncts may take.

他在书中页边空白处写下评注,并纠正了一些方程式的错误。He made notes in the margins and corrected some of the equations.

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星期二早上一个美洲银行的发言人婉谢给予评注。A spokesman for Bank of America declined to comment early Tuesday.

我全部的灵魂是一声号呼,我所有的工作是对它的评注。My entire soul is cry, and all my work the commentary on that cry.

最后给出了数值实例和评注。Finally this paper gives some numerical examples and makes a few remarks.

在一些情况下,我在括弧中加入一些解释性或阐释性评注。In some cases I have added interpretive or clarifying comments in brackets.

给网页加评注并把勾画发送给其他用户也很容易。It's also very easy to annotate pages and send your mark ups to other users.

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当我还是他的学生的时候,亨廷顿让我给一个文章的草稿做一些评注。Huntington asked me to comment on a draft of the essay while I was his graduate student.

他在那么多书上作了评注,她只好不按顺序地翻着看。There were so many books that he'd written in, and she was reading them all out of order.

虽然他们是用第三人称单数,这个评注把它当作是佛陀的。Though they are in the third person singular, the commentary takes them to be of the Buddha.

注释法学派与评注法学派的法人理论是在学者对罗马法进行梳理过程中所形成的。The theories of those two schools were formed in the process of scholars' study of Roman law.

你的评注论文可以只着重于,我刚才讲过的其中一块。You could write an exegesis paper on just one section of any of those things that I talked about.

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如果您想编辑您在某段话上增添的评注,您可以很容易地编辑并重新插入评注。So if you edit some text in a paragraph that has been commented, you can simply reinsert your comment.

法官在他的评注中措辞严厉,将两个美国佬的行径描述为昧着良心做事。He was scathing in his remarks about the American co-owners' conduct, which he described as "unconscionable".

因此,一个完整的誊本尼尔斯奥拉夫的声明是尚未备妥,因为这评注接着新闻界。As a result, a full transcript of Nils Olaf's statement is not yet available as this commentary goes to press.