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既非写实,也不客观,亦非新闻报道,有的只是指指点点。Not journalism. Not objective.

我们一定不要指指点点,横加指责。We must not point fingers and cast blame.

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我就是我,只有唠上帝才能对我指指点点。I I am whatever I am, Only God can judge me.

他们在大声喊叫,打着手势,冲着他指指点点。They shouted and gesticulated, pointing at him.

真正的历史,实际上是不由我们来指指点点的。The true history is beyond our gesticulation in deed.

我们在拿着手指对着上帝和它的子民们指指点点。We point the finger at the skies and the chosen 'son'.

甚至仿佛听到他们窃窃私语,指指点点。As if even hear them to steal steal murmurous , gesticulate.

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你真的很喜欢对别人指指点点,这样别人会很烦你的。U are a really back-seat driver. Many people will get annoyed.

永远也不要某人太胖或太丑而对其指指点点。Never point at someone and laugh because they are too fat or ugly.

盛名之累之一是在街上遭人指指点点。One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you in the street.

他们不跟任何人来往,整个镇上的人曾都对他们指指点点,很是生气。They didn’t socialize with anyone, as the whole town used to point out angrily.

街上的陌生人总是停下脚步对苏帕托指指点点,惹得她伤心流泪。It often left her in tears because of strangers stopping in the street to point at her.

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司机正开着加长轿车送我去机场,他对着窗外指指点点The limo driver was driving me to the airport and was pointing out the scenes in London.

欧洛克记得甚至在他出柜之前,在初中、高中里他就被指指点点。O'Rourke remembers getting picked on in junior high and high school even before he came out.

我勒他的时候,他一直冲我笑,我知道,他是快乐的,我必须这么做,他上了天堂,就不会再有人对他指指点点了。That is when I knew he was happy. I had to do it because now no one can point fingers at him.

你可以对你的宠物表达一切感情,愤怒,忧伤,愉悦,绝望,而不会被指指点点。You can express anything to your pet -- anger, sadness, joy, despair -- without being judged.

关注大事然后在大众传媒上指指点点已经成为我们的全民信仰。Observing events and then commenting about them on social media has become our national religion.

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但是我听不清他说的到底是什么,他对着我的脚和x光片指指点点。He’s talking now, but I’m having trouble hearing what he’s saying. He’s gesturing from my feet to the X rays.

江映蓉的支持者对此结果颇为怀疑,校园里有人在背后对她指指点点。Jiang’s supporters voiced their suspicion over the result. Others on campus talked about Liu behind her back.

那些和我感情的藤蔓有着丝丝缕缕牵连的人,如何免得了指指点点里的摸爬滚打?Those and my feelings of the vine is the silk Lvlv implicated in human, how to prevent pointing in knowledge?