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易地疗养使她恢复了健康。The change of air brought her back to health.

只恐我太轻易地认得你,你对我耍花招。Lest I should know you too easily, you play with me.

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历史让我们轻易相信——也许是太轻易地让我们相信此说了。History makes it easy for us to think so-perhaps too easy.

在这种情况下我们可以容易地,得到△U,然后我们就能直接得到。And then we'll be able to in a very w straightforward way get w.

你不能很轻易地删除一个包,如果其他包也依赖它的话。You can't easily remove a package if other packages depend on it.

我于三月初下床后,他阻止我易地。I got up at the beginning of March he tried to prevent my departure.

非金属例如木,玻璃和塑料不能很轻易地传热。Nonmetals such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily.

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在战争时期,可能很轻易地被捕入狱的人会获得勇敢勋章。In time of war men who might easily be in jail win medals for gallantry.

沃利很轻易地就被移出了水池,可是特里和凯蒂变得难以对付。Wally was easily removed from the pool, but Teri and Katie became erratic.

要是跟她自己父亲易地相处的话,父亲将会有同样想法的。Her father would be thinking exactly the same way were their positions reversed.

泰国人较易地取得了胜利,他们终于在1431年洗劫了吴哥。The Thais had a relatively easy victory when they finally sacked1 Angkor in 1431.

泰国人较易地取得了胜利,他们终于在1431年洗劫了吴哥。The Thais had a relatively easy victory when they finally sacked4 Angkor in 1431.

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画家可能也很轻易地成了他自己明锐的观察力的牺牲者。The painter may simply have been the victim of his own acute observational powers.

但你也能很轻易地反驳说,他们不感兴趣只是因为他们被吓到了。But you could just as easily argue that their users are incurious because they're cowed.

凸边的整个铝体可以不使用工具,轻易地更换笔尖。The knurled all aluminum body allows the tips to be easily changed without the use of tools.

孩子们,你们会惊讶地发现,在生活中,轻易地就会与某个人永不相见。You will be shocked, kids, when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people.

定期清洁你的排水沟。在雨中排水沟堆积的乾的叶子和常绿植物针叶会很轻易地著火。Clean your gutters regularly. Dry leaves and evergreen needles in rain gutters can easily catch fire.

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它那强壮的下颚能把大块坚硬的木苔藓咬成碎片,也能很轻易地撕裂肌肉、折断骨胳。Its strong jaws, used to chop tough wood-moss chunks into pieces, can rend flesh and snap bones easily.

让我追悔少年时代我心灵的愚钝无知,轻易地错过了我一生中本来可以获得的欢乐和幸福!Let me regret the youth ignorant. I have easily missed happiness which belonged to me of my whole life.

他便借着月光,逃过巡逻人的眼睛,轻易地钻进贮藏室把狐裘偷出来。Eluding the patrol, he found his way easily in the moonlight into the storeroom and got the fur coat out.